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From Nazis to Britney Spears

From Nazis to Britney Spears

Professors Bytwerk, Fackler, Plantinga, Romanowski, and Smit are featured now in a new library display, along with their recent publications. Come and see what some of your favorite CAS professors have been up to!

Randall Bytwerk:

  • Bending Spines: the propagandas of Nazi Germany and the German Democratic Republic, 2004, Michigan State University Press. (Also translated into French by Laurent Bury, with the title Machines à broyer les âmes : Allemagne totalitaire, 1933-1989, and into Chinese, but sadly, the book has been banned in China). 
  • Paper War: Nazi propaganda in one battle, on a single day: Cassino, Italy, May 11, 1944, 2005, Mark Batty Publisher
  • Landmark Speeches of National Socialism, edited and with translations by Randall Bytwerk, 2008, Texas A & M University

Mark Fackler:

  • The Handbook of Global Communication and Media Ethics, vol. 1, 2011, Wiley-Blackwell, edited by Robert Fortner and Mark Fackler
  • Ethics for Public Communication: Defining moments in media history, 2012, Oxford University Press, authored by Clifford Christians, Mark Fackler, and John P. Ferré
  • Media Ethics: Cases and moral reasoning, 9th ed., 2012, Allyn & Bacon, Clifford Christians, Mark Fackler, Kathy Richardson, et al

Carl Plantinga:

  • Moving Viewers: American film and the spectator's experience, 2009, University of California Press
  • The Routledge Companion to Philosophy and Film, 2009, Routledge, edited by Paisley Livingstone and Carl Plantinga

William Romanowski:

  • Eyes Wide Open: Looking for God in popular culture, revised and expanded edition, 2007, Brazos Press
  • Reforming Hollywood: How American Protestants fought for freedom at the movies, 2012, Oxford University Press

Christopher Smit:

  • The Exile of Britney Spears: a tale of 21st century consumption, 2011, Intellect, The University of Chicago Press
  • Michael Jackson: Grasping the spectacle, 2012, Ashgate


- Posted October 09, 2012 by Kathy DeMey (5:42 PM)