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Hekman Library 8am – 5pm
Heritage Hall 9am – 4:30pm
Meeter Center 8am – 4:30pm
Research Assistance 10am – 4pm

Festival of Faith and Writing Now Past...

Festival of Faith and Writing Now Past...

The biennial Festival of Faith and Writing was online this year and took place March 21-24. The Festival has a long and illustrious history at Calvin. It was established in 1990 by the English Department. Over the years it has welcomed more than 15,000 attendees and hundreds of renowned authors, such as Maya Angelou, John Updike, Elie Wiesel, Salman Rushdie, Katherine Paterson and Frederick Buechner. In 2016 Bob and Shelley Hudson gave a generous donation, and the Calvin Center for Faith and Writing was founded.

Hekman Library purchases books by Festival authors and makes them available in time for attendees to check out and enjoy. Here are some featured authors from this year's Festival. Click on the name to be led to a list of their works.


- Posted April 01, 2022 by Kathy DeMey (2:22 PM)