Check out our new website, Hekman Library Online

Today's Hours

Hekman Library 8am – 6pm
Heritage Hall 9am – 4:30pm
Meeter Center 8am – 4:30pm
Research Assistance 10am – 4pm

What's New in the Library?

What's New in the Library?

The library continues to collect print books throughout the year. When they arrive at the library they are cataloged and prepared for the shelves. But before they end up in their permanent locations, they are placed on the New Books shelf, close to the Research Desk (2nd floor). We can observe library users browsing through the new books, and we library staff like to do the same to get a feel for what subject areas are being collected. You can clearly see some new titles here.

We invite you to come in, have a look, and check out a new book. 

- Posted January 04, 2023 by Kathy DeMey (7:56 PM)