Records of the Department of State relating to internal affairs of Turkey, 1910-1929
On these 88 reels of microfilm are reproductions of the records from the Department of State, 1910-1929, that relate to Internal Affairs of Turkey, Turkey in Europe, Crete, Turkey in Asia, Palestine, and Tripoli. The records, consisting of bound volumes and unbound documents, are mostly instructions to and dispatches from diplomatic officials. Also included are notes between the U.S. Department of State and foreign diplomatic representatives in the U.S.; some of these are written entirely in Arabic.
The Lists of documents, or "purport sheets", filmed on Rolls 1-3, give brief abstracts of the documents reproduced and serve as a finding aid. There is a printed guide to the collection, which can be consulted if the user wants more information. (MIC NATA TURKEY 1910-29 GUIDE). This guide is kept in the microform area on the 2nd floor of the library.