Produced by the Information Institute of Syracuse, the same people who created AskERIC. Available here are lesson plans, links to education information on all subjects, and responses to popular questions on the practice, theory, and research of education.
A journal that is international in scope, having editorial advisors from Canada, Singapore, Australia, Wales, England, Spain, Norway, and South Africa. The journal is edited by Dr. David Smith (Director of the Kuyers Institute for Christian Teaching and Learning) and John Shortt, head of research and development at the Stapleford Centre. JE&CB is published semiannually.
The Kuyers Institute for Christian Teaching and Learning is devoted to the study and promotion of pedagogy, learning, and educational leadership from an integrally Christian perspective.
These 228 articles written by nearly 200 authors show the diversity of topics that contribute to the study of the philosophy of education. Each article contains cross-references and a bibligraphy.