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Aakster - Hendrik Aakster [Dutch]. Undated

Abbinga See: Miedema Family History

Abrahamse - An Abrahamse Family History, August 1978 (later Arlon)

Achter Klaas Hilberts Achter. Parenteel van Klaas Hilberts Achter, compiled by Willem Kappe, 2010

Acterhof Jacob Acterhof

Alberda - The New World Descendants and Old World Ancestors of Machiel Alberda, 1994

Albers See: Van Zoeren, Gerrit

Alderink - Alderink and Masselink Godeke: A Goodly Heritage, 1985

Alderink - Fragments United, by Denise Alderink, 1988

Alfers - Bernard and Henry B. Alfers

Algera/Algra Gielt Aelgera. Descendants of the Algera/Algra Friesan Family, 1425-1955, Volumes I and II

Andre - Hiram Rosing Andre. Andre’s Crossing, 1977

Anema - Being a Compilation of Anema Families and Individuals Everywhere, Volumes I and II (1986), Volumes I, II, and III (1987)

Anjewierden See: Torringa: Een oud Ommelander geslacht [Dutch]

Annema Descendants from Tjeerd Annes and Leelke Tabes (and some additional Frisian families with the Annema name), ca.1997

Antvelink - Family Trees, by Elaine Antvelink–Watterson, 1982

Arens - Jan Harm Arens. Prussian Colonist, and Immigrant Descendants, 1750-1967

Arnesman See: Wierenga, Jacob. Narratives of Family History, Johannes Arnesman

Aukema John and Grace (Jaarsma) Aukema. Our Family Story by Grace Aukema Roossien [2007]

Baaij Frans Fransz Baaij. Register Report, compiled by Paul V. Pettinga, [2008]; The Baaij Genealogy by Virginia Voskuil Bouma, [2010]

Baarda See: Baerdt to Prins, 1440-1978, by Edward Prins

Baarschers - Genealogie Baarschers, by D. Stegeman, 1986 [Dutch]

Baerdt Baerdt/Baarda, 1440-1930; Risselada/Sluiter, 1580-1997; Risselada/Prins, 1580-1977 by Edward Prins

Baert Georg Baert. De Familie Baert uit Zeeland by George Ramsay, 1991

Bakelaar Jan Bakelaar. Family of Goedereede/Overflakkee, compiled by John Koole, 2009

Bakker - Jan and Jacomijntije Tanis Bakker. Undated

Bandstra - [Dutch and English], undated

Bandstra - The Life and Family History of Paulus and Geertje Bandstra, 1733-1992

Bareman - Bareman, Leendert. Family History, by Judy Bareman, 1980

Bareman Bareman, Peter. Family Record of Peter Bareman, dated 1912

Bartelsman - Bartelsman Family Genealogy, Volume 1-8, by Joop Bartelsman, 1894-1982

Baum My Very Own Roots, by Jim Baum, 1980

Becksvoort Becksvoort, Geert [George]. See: Pieter Hoving

Beerends Jan Beerends. Family Record, [1998]

Beintema Tjebbe Meinderts Beintema. Groeten Uit Amerika (4), Emigranten uit Dantumadeel en Dongeradeel, by Kor Postma, [2008]

Bekkering Hendrik Jacob Bekkering. Undated

Belanus - Genealogy of the Family of Belanus, and Margaret Belanus on her 90th Birthday, 1982

Belanus - See: de Waal Malefyt, Vol. 2

Beld The Beld Story, by Grace Albertha Beld Vander Veen, 1984

Beltman Assien Beltman. Beltman Birth Analysis, 1882-1902

Benjaminse - A. J. Benjaminse. Undated

Bennink Bernard John Bennink (1864-1947). See: Manuscript Collection #374

Benthem Benthem Family History, by Edith Bain, undated

Berg - Jacob R. Berg, (2), undated

Berghorst Geert Jans Berghorst. Parenteel van Geert Jans Berghorst, compiled by Willem Kappe, 2010

Bergsma - Sijmen Bergsma. Sijmen and Siemkje Bergsma Family from Achlum, Netherlands, by Robert L. DeBruin, 2000

Berkhof Dena Joldersma Heyns Berkhof. The Story of My Life, [1973]

Berkel Jan Hendriks Berkel. Descendants of Jan Hendriks Berkel, compiled by Richard Harms, 2010

Beukema - Four Centuries, Boijkema, Beukema, Buikema, by J. O. Beukema and R. J. Beukema, 1998

Beukema Vier Eeuwen, Boijkema, Beukema, Buikema, by J.O. Beukema te Schoorl en R.J. Beukema te Amstelveen, 1998

Beukema - Auke Beukema. Sheep Shenanigans, by Alvin Beukema, 2006 [see: BX 6843 .B48 A3 2008]

Beukema - Jan Beukema. From Windmills to the Windy City, the Beukema Family History, Volume I and II, 1990

Beukema - See: Johnson: The Genealogy and Memories of Effie Beukema

Beukema See: Peterson: Peterson Family History, The Descendants of Berent Jacobs [Pietersen] ancestor of John B. Peterson, updated 2016

Beuker - Bernard Johan Beuker [Dutch and English]. Undated

Beuker - Beuker-Robbert. Undated

Beute - Een groot geslacht afkomstig uit de Kop van Overijssel [Dutch], by J. Hospers, undated (genealogy begins with Harmem Beute, born 1744 at Wanneperveen)

Bijker - Wybe Jans Bijker. Descendants of Wybe Jans Bijker, 1998

Bij ‘t Werk/ Eppe Hindriks and Anje Jacobs. Family Tree of Bij ‘t Werk, Bytwrk, and Bytwork.

Bytwerk/ Compiled Annemarie bij ‘t Werk


Binnema ATale of Four Families: Binnema, Mulder, Kapteyn, Zijlstra, by Jacob Hendrik Binnema, 2000

Bisschop - The Bisschop Family Immigration to Canada August, 1949, by Brian Schoon, 1988

Bisschop Hendrik Jacobs Bisschop. Parenteel van Hendrik Jacobs Bisschop, compiled by Willem Kappe, 2010

Blacquiere - The Blacquieres, by Mary Blacquiere, 1980

Bloemert Jan Geerlings Bloemert. Parenteel van Jan Geerlings Bloemert, compiled by Willem Kappe, 2010

Blohm - Blohm/Kleinow Family Roots of Yesterday, 1850-1980 by Penni Blohm

Blom - See: de Waal Malefyt, Vol. 2

Blom My Story, by Nancy DeVries Blom, 1982

Boddeus Cornelius Boddeus. Jan Engelhard. Family history. See also: Four Frisian Families, by Thomas Holwerda, 2008,

Bode Gerrit Bode. Bode Family History: Ancestors and Descendants of Gerrit Bode and Clara Van Schuur, by Robert W. Bode, 2001

Bode - My Family History, by Karen Bode, 1980

Boeing - Jobst (Jost) Bőing. "Boeing," compiled Heinz Bőing, undated

Boelema - Jan Boelema. Compiled by Helen Boelema, undated

Boelkins Jan Klaasens Boelkins. Early Boelkins in America, by Winston Boelkins, 2002; includes a letter from L.T. Boelkins and Martje J. Nieuwenhuis to relatives in the Netherlands, 1860

Boer - The Boer Family, undated

Boer/Veninga Wiebe Boer. Elsiena Veninga. Family history, [folder 1 contains index, folder 2 contains genealogy], undated

Boerkoel - My Grandfather’s Immigration, by Robert Boerkoel, 1986

Boerman The Descendants of Klaas Boerman of Allegan County, Michigan, undated

Boersema - See: Bouwsma: Three Dutch Families in Old Muskegon

Boersma Autobiography of Albert J. Boersma, In the School of the Master, 1971

Boersma - Marcus and Martina Schans Boersma, 1993

Boerwinkle - Hendrick Boerwinkle (Boerwinkel) [German], undated

Boeskool Henry Boeskoel. Family tree.

Boessenkool Berend Jans Boessenkool. Parenteel van Berend Jans Boessenkool, compiled by Willem Kappe, 2010

Boessenkool J.A. (Harry) Boessenkool and Joanne Boessenkool (Tuininga). Stability, Chaos and Opportunity: Our Story, 2018

Boeve - Information on Sir Beues of Hamtoun [German and English], undated

Boezeman John and Marie (Hooites) Boezeman. The John Boezeman Family, The Story of John and Marie (Hooites) Boezeman, by Judith Kay Hoffman, 1996

Boijckema Jan Boijckem. Descendants of Jan Boijckema and Courtjen Rijpkes, undated

Boijckema See: Deckinga: The Families of Otto Deckinga and Marie Jager; see also: Bruins and Peters; Stoepker and (Freerks) Pieters; and Mennes and Westerloo

Boijkema - See: Beukema: Four Centuries, Boijkema, Beukema, Buikema

Bol - Family information for the Bols who immigrated to the US and their descendents, compiled by Petronella, 1992

Boldewijn Albert Boldewijn. Parenteel van Albert Boldewijn, compiled by Willem Kappe, 2010

Bolier - We Came To America 1892: The Bolier Family, by Marinus Bolier, 1952

Bolks Rev. Seine Bolks–Patriarch of Northwest Iowa, by Nelson Nieuwenhuis, undated

Bolt - Arent Bolt Family. Staying Connected, Family Reunion, 2008

Bolt - Ewe Bolt, by John Bolt, 1980

Bolt - Genealogie van Jan Everts Bolt [Dutch and English], 1990

Bonenberg Jan Bonenberg. Various genealogical documents, undated

Bonnema Luitjes Derks Bonnema. The Bonnema Family, 2009

Bonnema Martin Bonnema. The Story of Martin Bonnema, 1881-1964, compiled and written by James Andrew Bonnema, 2007

Boogaard Boogaard-Tilma Family

Boomsliter Boomsliter

Boon - See: Zwemer: Genealogy and History of the Zwemer–Boon Family, 1932

Boonstra Atze Klazes Boonstra. De Familie Boonstra uit Friesland, by George Ramsay, 1991

Boonstra Harry and Thelma Boonstra. Our Journey Together, The Story of Harry and Thelma Boonstra, written by Harry Boonstra, 2016

Borduin - See: de Waal Malefyt, Vol. 2

Borgers Family of Albert Borgers (1804-1876)

Borgman - Researched and compiled by Arlene Brummel Bloem, undated

Bos - See: Elferink, John Hendrik, The Dutchman from Driene, by Jenny Elferink Bos, 1976

Bos See: Gerrit Jan Sprik: Hypo F. Bos

Bos Harry Bos and Sena (Klanderman) Family, by Carol Faber

Bosch - The John Albert Bosch Story, 1868-1949, edited by Gerald Bosch, 1988

Bosgraaf Bosgraaf Family Tree

Bos-Hoving - 50-jarig Huwelijk van Lubbert en Ida Bos–Hoving [Dutch], 1954

Bosker - The Family of John and Effie Ter Bergh Bosker, 2001

Bosker Peter Bosker and Antje VanderVeen (family Bible information), undated

Bosma - See: Jeltes, J. S.: Bosma Genealogy, Story of the Life of Jans Simons Jeltes and His Wife Eelje

Boss See: Jongsma/Solle and Boss/Roelfsma

Botting - Abraham Botting [Dutch], 1990

Bouma - Derk Bouma. Bouma Family Tree, undated

Bouma - Gaele Doekes and Susan Brouwer Bouma, 1740-1977

Bouma - Henry Bouma: A Man with a Dual Heritage, Shelayne Bouma, 1986

Bouma Minke Thomas Bouma. Groeten Uit Amerika (12), Emigranten uit Dantumadeel en Dongeradeel by Kor Postma, [2008]

Bouma Otto Pieter Bouma Genealogy, undated

Bouma - Peter Libbe Bouma and Baukje DeVries. The History of the Bouma Family, by Robert Bolt, 1980

Bouma Peter Libbe Bouma and Baukje DeVries. The History and Memoirs of Peter L. Bouma and Boukje DeVries, by Gerben Bouma

Bouma Sipke Klases Bouma. The Bouma Family Genealogy: Descendents of Sipke Klases (Bouma), by Virginia Voskuil Bouma, [2010]

Bouwkamp - Jacob and Flora (Vander Molen) Bouwkamp. Bouwkamp Family Tree, 1994

Bouwman See: Gerrit Jan Sprik: Anton Bouwman

Bouwman - Hendrikus Bouwman. The Bouwman Families, compiled by Judith Ann (nee Wassenaar) Bouwman, undated

Bouwmeester Jan Bouwmeester. Parenteel van Jan Bouwmeester, compiled by Willem Kappe, 2010

Bouws - John R Bouws. The Bouws—Genealogy and Recollections, researched by J. Russel Bouws, compiled by Mary Hathaway, 1988

Bouwsma - Three Dutch Families in Old Muskegon, Evert Bouwsma, Jan M. Boersema, Sander Klooster, 1998

Boven - Boven Dutch Apple Pie: The Story of Boven Emigration to the United States, by John Henry Boven and Carol Gohsman Boven, 1995

Bovendam Jan Klaas Bovendam I. Parenteel van Jan Klaas Bovendam I compiled by Willem Kappe, 2010

Braat Our Pioneer Days in Minnesota, by Gertrude A. Braat Vandergon. See: [F606 .V3]

Branderhorst - William Branderhorst. Branderhorst Meets Van der Beek, 1981

Branderhorst - Gerrit Branderhorst. Descendants of Gerrit Branderhorst, undated

Brandsema - Hendrik Brandsema. From Here to There, by Maria Brandsema, 1988

Brandsen Brandsen, Brand Family, 1590-2003, compiled by Mary DeKoekkoek and Dennis DeKoekkoek

Brandt Abraham Brandt Family Tree, undated

Braschler - Family History: Braschler History, undated

Brashler Cornelius Brashler. Brashler Family History. The Descendants of Heinrich Braschler, ancestor of Cornelius Braschler, 1858-1901 (including surnames of Brashler, Braschler, DeJong, deWitte, Gouwens, Hoogheim, Masmeyer, Oldemans, Plak, Swets, Timmer, vander Mey, and Witte), compiled by Lenore Brashler, 2016

Brat - See: Manuscript Coll. 355: Dirk Dirksz

Bratt - Celebrating 125 years: Bratts in America, 1876-2001

Bratt - Who’s Who in the Brat[t] Relation, by Hero D. Bratt

Bredeweg Genealogies Related Through Driesje Bredeweg, Wife of Gerrit Essenburg

Breen - The Genealogy of Kryn and Nellie Visser Breen and Their Descendants, 1979

Bremer Genealogy of>Arend Andries Bremer, 2004

Brink - Ben and Jennie Brink. Genealogy of Bernardus (Ben) Brink and Jennie (Adriana) Vanden Bos Brink, 1984

Brink Christiaan Klaassens Brink [1778-1843]. Descendants of Christiaan Klaassens Brink family information, by Richard Harms

Brinkhuis - Jan Brinkhuis. The New World Descendants and The Old World Ancestors of Jan Brinkhuis, compiled by Donna Drost Anema, 1994

Brinkman The History of the Brinkman and Related Friesian Families

Brinks Harm Geerts Zwijn (Brinks). Brinks Genealogy, compiled by Gladys Mys Van Tuinen, 2009

Brinks - Familie Brinks [Dutch], undated

Brinks - The Roelof H. Brinks Family in America, 1995

Brinks - Rutgert Brinks. Brinks Family History and Records, 1794-1934

Broek - The Broek and Jonker Families of Holland, Michigan and Provinces Overijssel and Groningen, by Rev. Dirk Broek, revised by Howard Windolph Broek, 1993

Broekhuis Roelof Broekhuis Genealogy

Broekman Derk and Angenietje Broekman. Family Group information

Broene Geert Broene (1838-1919). See: Manuscript Collection #345

Brondyke - Brondyke Genealogy, by Ron Buursma, 1983

Brondyke - Why Am I Here? by Mart Brondyke, 1980

Bronsema Jakob Bron[t]sema, undated

Broodman Jacob Broodman. Family information

Brouwer Aart Brouwer. Children of Aaltje Broekhuis and Aart Brouwer, undated

Brouwer Arend Brouwer. Parenteel van Arend Brouwer (ook Tiemens), compiled by Willem Kappe, 2010

Brouwer Arend Roelof Brouwer. Family information, taken from Otto Van Dijk genealogy

Brouwer Geert Brouwer. Parenteel van Geert Brouwer, compiled by Willem Kappe, 2010

Brouwer - See: Groenewold: My Family Roots, by Gary D. Groenewold

Brouwer Klass H Brouwer. Brouwer Genealogy, undated

Brouwer - Koob Brouwer. They Left a Mark: A History of the Koob Brouwer Family, 1970

Brouwer - List of Records Linked to Ancestors and Descendants of Susan Brouwer Bouma, undated

Brouwer - Nicholas Brouwer. Wortels, by Steve Brouwer, 1980

Brouwer - Willem Brouwer. History of our Family Record as Much as I Could Obtain or Recall, by Jas. A. Brouwer, 1936

Brower - Gerrit J. Brower. Family Register of Gerrit J. Brower, Sr., 1934

Brown Francis Brown. Descendants of Francis Brown of Virginia, The Virginia Ancestor Series, Volume XI, Edition 4, by Carol A. Hauk, 1996

Bruin - Pieter and Cornelia Bruin, 1990

Bruins Berent Bruins. Descendants of Berent Bruins and Anje Pieters, undated

Bruins See: Deckinga: The Families of Otto Deckinga and Marie Jager; see also: Boijckema and Rijpkes; Mennes and Waterloo; and Stoepker and Grietje

Bruins - Derk Bruins. Unto the Sixth Generation: Descendants of Derk and Cynthia Bruins, 1865-1990, edited by Elton J. Bruins, 1990

Bruins - Derk Bruins. Into the Third Millenium: The Derk and Cynthia Bruins Family, 1865-2002, edited by Elton J. Bruins, 2002

Bruins - Hendrik Bruins. The Bruins Family of Alto, Wisconsin, Historical and Genealogical Data Relating to the Family of Hendrik VanWechel Bruins and their Descendants, 1750-1980), edited by Elton J. Bruins, 1980

Bruins - Hendrik Bruins. The Hendrick and Hendrika Bruins Family in America, 1847-1997, edited by Elton J. Bruins, 1997

Bruinsma See: Jelgar Jacobs Miedema. Miedema Family History

Brummel - Lammert Brummel. The Brummel Tree, undated

Brummel Lambert Brummel. The Lambert Derx Brummel Genealogy, by Luann B. DeVries, undated

Brunsting - The Brunsting Family Book, 1700-1991

Brunsting - The Brunsting Family Chart, 1994

Buddingh - Dr. G. J. Buddingh Family, undated

Buikema - An Immigration Story: As Seen through the Eyes of an Immigrant’s Daughter by Marsha Buikema, (John G. Buist), 1986

Buikema See: Wierenga–Narratives of Family History: Luitje Buikema

Buikema - See: Beukema: Four Centuries, Boijkema, Beukema, Buikema

Buis Parenteel van Femmigje Buis (Jacob), compiled by Willem Kappe, 2010

Buist - John G Buist Family History, by Pam Buist, 1980

Buist Buist Ancestors (related families: Mulder, Tiesma, Westveer, Speyer, Sietsema, Berends, and Eising) by Richard Harms, 2014

Buist - See: Zylstra Peter Gerrit: Cousins and the Study of a Heritage: Zylstra Buist Kuzee

Buizer See: Ben Henricks and Ann Buizer family history, 1983

Bult - John Bult. A Family History, by David Bult, 1980

Bulthuis - Abel Bulthuis, undated

Bulthuis Genealogie Bulthuis, 1650-1842, by W. Tsj. Vleer, [1957]

Bulthuis Peter Bulthuis (1924-2004). Ka mo ter wou: It’s me your dad, by Peter Bulthuis, 1994

Bultman Bultman Family History, by Melanie Scott, 2005

Bultsma Hendrik and Jantje (Boltjes) Bultsma. Hendrik Bultsma Family and other Bultsma relatives worldwide, compiled by Paul Bultsma and Rene Bultsma Lunders, 2011

Bus - The Story of My Life, by Siewert Bus, 1854 – 1938

Busch - See: de Waal Malefyt, Vol. 1

Buter - Gezinus Buter. Op Zoek Naar het Voorgeslacht and De Familienaam Buter [Dutch], undated

Büter - Hindrik Buter. Chronik der Familie Büter (Veldgaar) [Dutch], 1985

Buteyn - John Buteyn. 1993: The Family of John Buteyn and Dena Kamphuis Buteyn. Also Buteyn, 1700-1996

Buth - Claes Jorisz Buth. Het Geslacht Buth [Dutch], 1951

Buunk - My Dutch Heritage, by Pam Keizer, 1986

Buursma - Hemme Tjallings Buursma. Buursma Genealogy, compiled by Ron Buursma, 1982. Additions, 2007

Buwalda Abraham Paulus Buwalda. Groeten Uit Amerika (8), Emigranten uit Dantumadeel en Dongeradeel, by Kor Postma, [2008]

Byker Ancestors of Gaylen J. Byker

Catts - Cornelius Cats. The History and Family Tree of Cornelius Cat(t)s and Jeltje Bouwma, 1975

Cevaal Jan Cevaal. Male Descendants of Jan Cevaal, [2011?]

Claus Petrus Josephus Claus and Maria Catharina Sirjacobs Friesian Family (2 files)

Clausing Dirk Clausing and Anna Maria Kiel. Clausing Family, and family genealogy

Cnossen – Upka Jahannis Knossen. Cnossen – Knossen History of a Frisian Family II,

Knossen 2018 by Cnossen – Knossen Family Foundation

Compaan Pieter Compaan. Descendants of Pieter and Aaltje Compaan

Compagner Arent Compagner. Parenteel van Arent Arents (Compagner), compiled by Willem Kappe, 2010

Compagner William/Willem Compagner Family Chart

Cook Edward Cook (Kok). Family Tree of Edward Cook and His Wife Marion Grace Harkema, undated

Cooper Derk Cooper. Family Group information

Cooper - Hermanus Cooper. An Account of Herman Cooper (Kuiper) Who Settled in Coopersville, Michigan in 1879

Cooyman - See: Kooiman: Het Westfriese Geslacht Kooiman [Dutch], 1977

Coster Jan Arends Coster. Parenteel van Jan Arends Coster, compiled by Willem Kappe, 2010

Coster Jan Bartelds Coster. Parenteel van Jan Bartelds Coster, compiled by Willem Kappe, 2010

Couzynse - Pedigree chart of Robert Jay Couzynse, 1985

Crap - Sieds Theunis Crap. From Provincial Frisian Newspaper, March 28, 1847

Crediet Harmen Jans Crediet. Parenteel van Harmen Jans Crediet, compiled by Willem Kappe, 2010


Dahm - Hendrick Jan Dam, The Whole Da(h)m Family, 1981

Dalhuijsen Jan Dalhuijsen. Descendants of Jan Dalhuijsen, undated

Dalhuisen Jan Taback Dalhuisen. Descendants of Jan Taback Dalhuisen, undated

Dalmollen - See: Fox: Roelof Fox

Dam(e) Klaas Pieters Dam. Descendants of Klaas Pieters Dam, compiled by Carl Veenstra, 2007

Danhof(f) Tracing Emigrants from the Province of Groningen, Netherlands in the U.S., by Sharon Danhof Carpenter

Daverman - Harmannus Daverman. Descendants of Harmannus Daverman, by Robert J Daverman, 2000. Addendum by Cornelis Van Nuis, 2007

DeBlaay Sarah DeBlaay. DeBlaay Family Record, by Joe Noorthoek, 1944

De Blieck - Marinus De Blieck, undated

De Boer - Abraham Everts DeBoer. Deboer–Bosma and Allied Families, researched and compiled by Marilyn Brouwer Vineyard, 1991

De Boer - Anne and Tine DeBoer. A Man Named Anne, 1992

De Boer James De Boer. Once Upon a Time, by Bess Figel

De Boer Peter P. De Boer. Mission Nearly Impossible: Richard H. Pousma, the Rehoboth Hospital, and Controversy on the Indian Mission Field, 2001. See: Manuscript Collection # 515

De Boer - Syste Wobbes. A Short History of Friesland, a province of the Nethelands and the Sietze Wietse De Boer Genealogy, prepared by Hendrik DeBoer, 1985

De Braal - John (Jan) H. Bosma. Compiled by E. Daniel de Braal, undated

Deckinga Otto Deckinga. The Families of Otto Deckinga and Marie Jager, undated; (CD) Family of Otto Decking and Marie Jager, 2007

Deckinga See also: Boijckema & Rijpkes; Berent Bruins & Anje Peters; Pieter Pieters Stoepker & Grietje (Freerks) Pieter; Roelf Mennes & Foske Lubberts Westerloo

Deelstra Pieter Deelstra and Ytje Spoelstra. Familiegeschiedenis. By Jan Deelstra, 2015

De Fouw De Fouw Genealogy, researched by Janet Sheeres, 2005

De Graaf - Family History, by Julie de Graaf, undated

De Groot Adriaan de Groot. The de Groot Family Genealogy: Descendants of Adriaan (de Groot), by Virginia Voskuil Bouma, [2010]

De Groot - Fred DeGroot Sr. Golden Anniverary Memoirs: De Groot Family 1904-1953, 1954, De Groot Family Memoirs 1963, and The De Groot Family 1973

De Groot Hendrik Jans de Groot. Parenteel van Hendrik Jans de Groot, compiled by Willem Kappe, 2010

De Haan Foppe (Frank) De Haan. See Four Frisian Families, by Thomas Holwerda, 2008

De Haan Jan DeHaan. De Haan Family: 125 Years in Michigan, by Edward Prins, 1974; and Index, 2002

De Haan Hendrik de Haan. Parenteel van Hendrik de Haan, compiled by Willem Kappe, 2010

De Haan Henrietta De Haan [Gerrit], by Ellen Alderink, 2003

0%; orphans: 0; widows:

DeHaan Wopke Hoekes DeHaan. Groeten Uit Amerika (5), Emigranten uit Dantumadeel en Dongeradeel, by Kor Postma, [2008]

De Haan - See: de Waal Malefyt, Vol. 2

De Hog - The Immigration of Connie De Hog, by Mary Blaine, 1986

De Jong Aize Thomas De Jong. The Family History of Friesian Aize Thomas De Jong, 1816-1872, ca 1978

De Jong - Berend De Jong. The Berend De Jong Famiy: 100 Years in America, 1882-1982

De Jong Fooke de De Jong [De Groot]. The de Jong Family Genealogy: Descendants of Fooke de Jong, by Virginia Voskuil Bouma, 2010

De Jong Frank De Jong (1900-1993). See: Manuscript Collection #46

De Jong - Jan Klaas De Jong. De Memoires fan Klaas de Jong [Frisian], undated

De Jong - Peter Y. De Jong. A Few Leaves: The Peter Y. and Joanne H. Heyns De Jong Family, 1999. See also: As I Remember It, by Joanne Heyns De Jong, Coll. 49

De Jong - See: Schaapman: Schaapman and De Jong

De Jong Wika De Jong. Grandma’s Memoirs, undated

De Jong William and Elizabeth Busman De Jong. The DeJong/Busman Family, 2003

De Jonge - Getuigschrift van Verandering van Werkelijke Woonplaats [Dutch], undated

De Jonge - Jan De Jonge. Family Register, 1956

De Jonge Jan De Jonge and Paula Moerman. Family tree, undated

De Jonge Marinus De Jonge. De Jonge family tree, undated

De Jongh - Hendrik De Jongh. De Jongh and Allied Families: Genealogy and History in Europe and America, 1934

De Jongh - Klass Johannes De Jongh. De Jongh Van Schylge info [Dutch], undated

Dekens Jan Dekens. [Ancestry of] Engel Dekens and Antje (Anna) Kramer, by Andrea Dekens Cowser, undated

De Kleine - Derk De Kleine. Derk De Kleine and His Descendants: 100 Years in America by William De Kleine, 1956

De Kok Franzes Daniel and Cornelia Ada (De Vries) De Kok. That Ye May Tell, compiled by Muriel Jean Oostenink, 1971

De Koeyer Johannes De Koeyer. [From Otto G. Van Dyk genealogy.]

De Kok - Jacob De Kok. Speurtocht in het Verleden: Kwartierstaat van Jacob de Kok en Maria Vereeke, 1983

De Kraker Adrian De Kraker, 1849- 1904

De Kruyter Johannes De Kruyter. Descendants of Johannes (Joe) De Kruijter, complied by Kees (Cornelis Jacobus) de Kruijter, 2010

De Leeuw - Pieter De Leeuw. The De Leeuw Family History, by Hermine Terpstra, 1993

De Long - William DeLange. The De Long Family (DeLange), 1976

Den Besten - Cornelius and Huibertje Den Besten, undated

Den Besten Corneilius DenBesten. Margaret (DenBesten, VanWyk) De Lange, a South Dakota Pioneer, by Betty Vander Zee, 1977

Den Blyker - Den Blyker Family, on microfilm

Den Harder Christian Den Herder. Life Sketch of Myself, by Jacob Den Herder, typed and donated by Susan Conde

Den Hartigh/ Jan Pouwelse. Genealogy of den Hartigh/Hartogh, 1997

Den Hartogh

Den Hartigh Jan, Pieter, Ary, and Simon den Hartigh. Genealogy of den Hartigh, compiled by M. den Hartigh, 1997

Den Hartigh Eliza and Pieter den Hartigh (twins) genealogy, compiled by Giel den Hartigh

Den Hartog Den Hartog (Hartley) genealogy

Den Hartogh See: den Hartigh

Den Harder Christian Den Herder. Life Sketch of Myself, by Jacob Den Herder, typed and donated by Susan Conde

De Nooy Gerrit and Rica de Nooy. The Life of Gerrit de Nooy: his Dutch ancestors and American descendants, a family portrait. Researched and written by Kenneth A. Schaaf; published in 1997

De Pree - Het geslacht de Pree [Dutch], 1855

De Pree - Bartholomeus DePree. The Lineage of De Pree, Part III, by H.G. Keppel, 1903

De Raad - The Re-Budding of a Family Tree, by Anita De Raad, 1980

Derks Gerrit Derks. The Place of Beginning... The Gerrit Derks Family, 1847

Derks - Harmina Brinkman Derks, undated

De Roos Adriaan de Roos. Parenteel van Adriaan de Roos, compiled by Willem Kappe, 2010

De Rooy - Arie and Clazina DeRooy. Consider the Years: A Family Festival of Memories, 1996

De Rooy - See: [F900 D8 D4]: De Rooy, Henry M. The Journal and Letters of Arie and Clazina DeRooy

De Smit - Cornelius and Adriana de Witte de Smit, undated

Deters Deters (Walkotte), Jacob. Generations, undated

Deur George Deur. The Deur Genealogy, 1773-2003, compiled by Paul Pettinga, 2008

Deur George Deur. The History of George Deur and His Descendants in America, by Joanne Bultman, 1980

Deur See: Rintje Hyma: Hendrika Deur

De Valk See: Valkema

De Vos Abraham De Vos. De Geschiedenis van de Nederlandse en Amerikaanse Families De Vos, by George Ramsay, 1991

De Vos Jan De Vos, 1996

De Vree See: Ulberg/Verhage Genealogy

De Vreeze Tryntsje (Catharina) de Vreeze, 1992

De Vries Genealogies of De Vries Families [Friesian] (Stamboom Familie De Vries), by Evert de Vries, 1993

De Vries - George DeVries. Compiled by Arlene Burmmel Rhoda, undated

De Vries - Jan De Vries [Dutch and English], 1986

De Vries - Jan Haites DeVries. Genealogy information and DeVries/Faber/Berens/Meekhof Family Story (DVD)

De Vries Oeds Gerben De Vries. The Veldwachter of Drachten, by Frank DeJong, 1975

De Vries Roger De Vries. The Generations of Roger De Vries, 1996

De Vries Stoffel Hendriks de Vries, 1995

De Waal Malefyt - Christian Reformed Dutch Immigrants of Northern New Jersey [Volume A contained in two folders], compiled by James De Waal Malefyt, 2002

De Waal Malefyt David Vernon De Waal Malefyt. My Life. Experiences and Memories. Precious Memories. How They Linger. [Both] written by David DeWaal Malefyt, b. 1/1/1931

De Waal Malefyt - Karel Everhard. The Descendents of Karel Everhard de Waal Malefyt and Jemima Van Der Snel, compiled by D. van Reken, undated

De Waal Malefyt Karel Everhard. Family History of Karel Everhard de Waal Malefyt and His Descendents, Volume 1, by James John de Waal Malefyt, 1991

De Waal Malefyt Karel Everhard. Family History of Karel Everhard de Waal Malefyt and His Descendants: "The Thirteen Children of Karel and Jemima de Waal Malefyt and Their Descendants", Volume 2 compiled by James John de Waal Malefyt, 1995

De Waal Malefyt - Some Late 19th and Early 20th Century, Dutch Immigrant, Reformed and Christian Reformed Families of Bergen and Passaic Counties, New Jersey. (Biographies, Ancestors, and Genealogical Descendants) Volume 1. Busch, de Waal Malefyt, Grootveld, Huizenga, Meyer, Tanis, and Van Der Horn, by James De Waal Malefyt, 1999

De Waal Malefyt - Some Late 19th and Early 20th Century, Dutch Immigrant, Reformed and Christian Reformed Families of Bergen and Passaic Counties, New Jersey. (Biographies, Ancestors, and Genealogical Descendants) Volume 2. Belanus, Blom, Borduin, Boonstra, de Haan, Kuiken, Stienstra, Tolsma, and Yskamp, by James De Waal Malefyt, 2000

De Waal Malefyt Some Late 19th and Early 20th Century, Dutch Immigrant, Reformed and Christian Reformed Families of Bergen and Passaic Counties, New Jersey. (Biographies, Ancestors, and Genealogical Descendants) Volume 3. Offringa, Schwier, Sikkema, Spyksma, Steensma, Teitsma, VanderWeit, and Zuidema, by James De Waal Malefyt, 2001

DeWalle See: Geels Genealogy

De Weerd See: Ulberg/Verhage Genealogy

De Weerd - Hendrikus DeWeerd, Jan DeWeerd, Geert Dieters. The De Weerd Family Genealogy and Welcome De Weerd Family [Family Reunion], 1999

De Weerd - Jans Evert De Weerd Genealogy, undated

De Wit - Hendrikje de Wit. The Happy Outlook and the Blessed Dying of Hendrikje de Wit, by Adriaan de Wit, translated by K.J. Boot, 1976

De Witt - Tjerck DeWitt. An American Family, by Lynne West, 1980

De Witt Harm de Witte. Parenteel van Harm de Witte, 2010

De Witte Klaas Hilberts de Witte. Parenteel van Klaas Hilberts de Witte, compiled by Willem Kappe, 2010

Diepenhorst - Pieter Soys. Diepenhorst Family Tree, compiled by Arlene Brummel Rhoda, undated

Diepenhorst - The Arie Diepenhorst Family History, undated

Diepeveen - D. H. Diepeveen. Reflections, 1990

Diephuis Roelof Diephuis. Family information sheets, undated

Dijkema Kryn Dijkema. Family information from family Bible, undated

Dijkman Tjisse Koenraads Dijkman. A Brief History on Our Ancestors, 2000

Dijkman - Jan Dijkman. Een Stukje Geschiedenis van het Geslacht Dijkman [Dutch], undated

Dijksterhuis - Peter Dirkse Dijksterhuis. An American Dream: A House, A Family, A Nation, by Tim DeVries, 1986

Dijkstra - Klaas and Antje Hofman Dijkstra, undated

Dijkstra Pieter Reitses/Dijkstra. Descendants of Pieter Reitses/Dijkstra, prepared by Richard Harms, Jan 2017

Dik - Derk Pieters Dik. Familieboek Dik Family, 1982; detailed research materials compiled by Cornelis Van Nuis, 2007

Dirkse - Peter Dirkse. The Immigration of the Dirkse Family, by Jim Van Ess, 1986

Disselkoen - Disselkoen Family (three volumes): 1. Simon 1739 – [1800s]; 2. Antony, undated; 3. Della VandenBosch, 1982

Doezema The Frank Doezema Family History, by Robert P. Swierenga, 2004

Doezema Tjerk Doezema. Compiled by Ron Redder, 2000

Doezema Tjerk Doezema and Ansktje Hofstee

Dokter Hendrik Dokter. My Story, by G. B. Dokter, 2009

Domine Hendrik Jans Domine (Domina). Parenteel van Hendrik Jans Domine (Domina), compiled by Willem Kappe, 2010

Dominee Jan Dominee (Domina). Parenteel van Jan Dominee (Domina), compiled by Willem Kappe, 2010

Donkersgoed - Willem van Donkersgoed and His Descendants, undated

Donker/Van Kalker Omge Van Kalker and Martin Donker families.

Doornbos - Clarence L. Doornbos. I Remember When: A Memoir of an Ordinary Life, 2011, by Clarence L Doornbos. [See: HERH CS71 .D667 2011]

Doornbos - Teunis Doornbos. Record of all the Descendants of Teunis Doornbos and Aafien Ebbens, undated

Doornink Jan Willem Doornink. The Doornink Genealogy, by Virginia Voskuil Bouma, [2010]

Dornbush - Teunis Doornbos. Roots of the Doornbush Family: Menzo Dornbush–Cynthia E. Hartger, compiled by Menzo Dornbush, 1989

Dornbush - See: Doornbos: Record of all the Descendants of Teunis Doornbos and Aafien Ebbens

Douma Samuel Douma and Klazenna [Clarissa] Pastoor. Family Group Record

Dozeman Jan Roelofs Dozeman (ook Deuzeman). Parenteel van Jan Roelofs Dozeman (ook Deuzeman), compiled by Willem Kappe, 2010

Dozeman Roelof Klaas Dozeman. Parenteel van Roelof Klaas Dozeman, compiled by Willem Kappe, 2010

Drenth - Geslachts Register Drenth –Ten Brink –Tijmes –Timmerman, by T. Drenth [Dutch], 1993

Drost - Dick Drost. The New World Descendants and The Old World Ancestors of Dirk Drost, 1994

Drukker - Derk Douwe Drukker, 1977

Dunnewind Egbert Dunnewind. Dunnewind Family, undated. See: also Edward Cook Geneaology

Dunnink Arend Dunnink. Parenteel van Arend Dunnink, compiled by Willem Kappe, 2010

Dunnink Harm Harms Dunnink. Parenteel van Harm Harms Dunnink, compiled by Willem Kappe, 2010

Dunnink Harmen Egberts Dunnink. Parenteel van Harmen Egberts Dunnink, compiled by Willem Kappe, 2010

Dunnink Herm Herms Dunnink. Parenteel van Herm Herms Dunnink, compiled by Willem Kappe, 2010

Durrink See: Klomp Genealogy

Duyst - Duyst Family Tree, 1978, and Emigratie in 1910 (newspaper), [English and Dutch]

Duyst - Jan Duyst. To Lie in Green Pastures, by Everett Vande Beek, undated. See [HERH CS 71 .V364 1995]

Dyke - See: Fox: Roelof Fox

Dykema - See: Fox: Roelof Fox

Dykenga - Immigration and Americanization of Four Dutch Family Lines, by Paul J. Meeter: Meeter, Nawyn, Dykenga, Hartogs, 1986

Dykman Descendants of Jan Dykman and Harmtje Polender, undated

Dyksterhouse - See: Dijksterhuis: An American Dream: A House, A Family, A Nation, by Tim DeVries

Dyksterhuis - See: Dijksterhuis: An American Dream: A House, A Family, A Nation by Tim De Vries

Dykstra - The New World Descendants and Old World Ancestors of Jelle Dykstra, 1994

Dylhoff Pieter Dijlhoff Descendants, 2005

Ebeling Ebeling (Ebling) Genealogy, translation and comments, by Cornelis Van Nuis, undated

Eelman Aris Jan Eelman. The Eelmans of Olive Township, by Thea B. Van Halsema and Loren Lemmen, 2006

Eenigenburg - The Family Eenigenburg [genealogy]

Eenigenburg Geertje, Gerrit, and Guurtje Eenigenburg. A Glimpse into the History of Eenigenburg, by W. K. Van Schoneveld

Eggebeen - Antone Eggebeen. Eggebeen Family, undated

Einink Tony Einink. Registry of the Einink Family, undated

Eising - Albert Eising. Genealogy Eising, undated

Ekdom - Schippers in de Bilt, by Don Ekdom [Dutch], undated

Ekster - Pieter Frixerds. A History of the Ekster Family, by Sandra Ekster Bixel

Elenbaas See: Gerrit Jan Sprik: Anthony Elenbaas

Elenbaas - Cornelis Claes. Mijn Naam is Elenbaas [Dutch], by Els Elenbaas, 1983

Eleveld Koos Eleveld and Diena Vredeveld. Family Group information

Elferink Jan Hendrik Elferin. The Dutchman from Driene, by Jenny Elferink Bos, 1976

Ellens Genealogy of the Descendants of Heertse and Sjoukje Ellens, compiled by Stuart Ellens, 1957

Elzinga Dirk G. Elzinga. Family history and genealogy

Engel - My Family’s Past, by Randy Engel, 1980

Engelhard Jan Engelhard. See Four Frisian Families, by Thomas Holwerda, 2008

Ensing - Lucas and Hillegien Arens Ensing [Dutch], undated

Ensink - Drie Kwartierstaten van een Familie Ensink [Dutch], 1988

Eppinga - Dr. Quirijn Eppinga. Genealogie Eppinga de tak Groningen, by H. Eppinga [Dutch], undated

Erffmeyer Arthur Erffmeyer. The Arthur Erffmeyer Family History, undated

Eringa Ulbe Eringa. Dutch Farmer in the Missouri Valley, by Brian Beltman, 1996 See: [F598 .E75 B45]

Eshuis - Ter Nagedachtenis, 1932

Essenburg Benjamin Essenburg. From Banner: "Voices in the Church" [1939]; correspondence, and Religion Poetry [1916], and correspondence

Essenburg Jan Essenburg. A Castle in the Trees, An Essenburg Genealogy, by Richard W. Essenburg, 1980, vol 1 and vol 2

Euwema - See: Iwema: Bonne Harms and Hiltje Pieters Hazenberg Iwema

Everts Gerrit Everts. Some Family Lines of Gerrit Everts of Epe, Gelderland, Nederland (whose descendants bear the surname Van Dragt), by Jane Moudy Van Dragt, [1998]

Ewolds Jan Ewolds. Descendants of Jan Ewolds, by Dick Harms

Faasse - Stamboom 'Faasse' [Dutch], undated

Faber Descendants of Auke Cornelis Faber, by Ralph Haan, 2001

Faber The (Sjoerd) Faber Family, by Gordon Kuipers

Feddema See: Nydam Family History

Feddes Surnames for Veenstra-Feddes Genealogy

Feringa Louwe Feringa. Family information, 2012

Ferverda - Hiram Benjamin and Irene Shock Ferwerda [English, Dutch, and Frisian], undated

Ferwerda - Ancestors and Descendants of Floris Thomas Ferwerda [Dutch and English], undated

Fiet - Het Geslacht Fiet by J. Verdonk Hoogland, 1983 [Dutch]

Fles Jon Izak Fles. Fles Family History

Fletcher Ralph Henry Fletcher. Four-generation ancestor chart, undated

Fokkens Fokke Rijkels Fokkens. Parenteel van Fokke Rijkels Fokkens, undated

Folkema Gerryt Fokkes and Tjietske Harmens. Family History of Doeke and Klaaske de Wit Folkema, undated

Folkerts Wyger Folkerts and Mary Aebeles. Following Seven Generations [Dutch], by W. J. Tjoelker and B. D. Vander Meulen, 1997

Folkertsma See: Jelgar Jacobs. Miedema Family History: the Descendants of Jelgar Jacobs

Fox - Sietse Jager. Roelof Fox: Dalmollen, Jonkman, Havenga, Dyke, Dykema, Johnson, undated

Fredricks Hendrik (Fredericks) Fredriks. Family group sheet, undated

Freehouse Samuel Freehouse and Sarah E. Van Alstine. Descendants of Samuel Freehouse, prepared by Richard Harms, 2017

Freehouse See: Harms, Chrostopher Jacob and Kate Elizabeth

Fridsma Bearend (Bernard) Joukes Fridsma Genealogy

Fridsma - Fryts Gerbens Fridsma. Genealogie Fridsma [Dutch] and Genealogy Fridsma [translation], undated

Fridsma Family information of Bernard (Bearend Joukes) Fridsma, undated

Fridsma Genealogy of Jouke (Jacob) Fridsma and Hiltje Bakker, by Bill Fridsma, undated

Frieling Hendrik Frieling. Genealogy information

Furrow - John Furrow. Furrows in the Land, by Nellie Furrow Daland, 1976

Fynewever - Gerrit Fynewever. Family Tree: Gerrit Jan and Jenneken (Mensink) Fynewever, 1994

Gabrielse - Gabriel Antuenijs. Blest be the Tie that Binds [history]. Blest be the Tie that Binds [family tree, genealogy, and history], both compiled by Edward J. Gabrielse, 2017

Gabrielse - See: Maarten Vander Lugt: Stephanus Gabrielse

Galema - Ysbrand Gaeles Galama. Compiled by Sjoerd Galema, 1976

Gantvoort - Gantvoort Genealogy: American Branch Revisited, by J. Th. Gantvoort, 1986

Gazan - Marcus Levieszoon (1720). - See: - Stories of our Fathers, by Harold S. Gazan. See: [HERH CS71 .G2892 2006]

Geels - In God's Hands from One Generation to Another, by Patricia Ann Geels Oostenink, 1991, (Geels - deWalle - Vermeer - Ter Horst)

Geerdes - Autobiography of H. H. Geerdes, 1863-1952, Autobiography of Raymond Geerdes 1897-1955 See also H. P. Geerdes, Manuscript Coll. 91

Geerdes - Family History of Henry H. Geerdes, 1986

Geerlings - Gerrit Geerlings. The Geerlings-story [Dutch], undated

Geerts - Tonnis Geerts. Descendants of Tonnis Geerts

Gelderloos - Derk Cornelis Gelderloos. The Gelderloos Family, compiled by Harold James Gerlderloos Jr., 2011

Gelderloos - Johannes Hendrik Gelderloos. My Family Roots, by Randal Gelderloos, 1986

Germeraad - Extended family tree of Dan Frederick Germeraad, undated

Germeraad - Dan Frederick Germeraad. Genealogy of Dan Frederick Germeraad, undated

Gerritsen - Gerrit Jan Gerritsen. Gerritsen Genealogy, undated

Geurink - See: Muyskens, Dirk: Berendena Geurink.

Ghijsels - Jacobus Ghijsels. Fragment genealogie Jacobus Ghijsels (USA), 1991

Glazenburg - Glazenburg. Glazenburg Descendants (Groningen, Netherlands), prepared by Richard Harms, 2017

Gnade - Lambertus Gnade. Great-Grandfather, by Tom Windeler, undated

Goetschy - The Goetschy Family and the Limping Messenger, by Ruth and William Heidgerd, 1968

Goudzwaards - Pieter Jacobse Goudswaart. - The Goudzwaards: from Netherlands to America, by Larry Goudzwaard, 2004

Gouwens - Dirk Gouwen. History and Genealogy of the Gouwens Family, 1956

Gouwens - See: Cornelius Brashler. Brashler Family History

Grassmid - Joe Grassmid Family Genealogy, undated

Greidanus - Tyaerd Jans Greydanus. - Greydanus Genealogy-translation, 1991

Greve - Derk Jan Carel Greve. Parenteel van Derk Jan Carel Greve. [Father-in-law of Derk Ritzema], compiled by Gegenereerd mit Aldfaer, 2010

Greydanus - Het Geslacht Greydanus ([Dutch], undated [large book], 1936

Greydanus - Sytse Elo Greydanus (1883-1964). See: Manuscript Collection #384

Greydanus - Tyaerd Jans Greydanus. The Greydanus Genealogy [translation], two files

Griffioen - Willem Griffioen (1782) and Marritje de Haan (1783). Two Centuries Before, Two Centuries After, undated [1998]

Grinwis - Hubert Grinwis. Great-Grandfather, by Keith Tanis, undated

Grit - Jan Jan Grit. Family information

Grit - The Grits: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow, by Lori Wilson, 1986

Gritter - . . . And George Gritter Prayed: "Our Faithful Covenant God . . .," by Richard Gritter

Gritter - Gosen (George) Gritter. Gritter Ancestors,

Groenendyk - Bastiaan John and Elizabeth de Jong Groenendyk, From the Dikes of Holland to the Cornfields of Iowa - The Story and Lineage of the Family of Bastiaan John Groenendyke and Elizabeth de Jong Groenendyk, by Dorothy Bos, 2017

Groenewoud - My Family Roots, by Gary D. Groenewold, 1980

Groenewoud - A Personal History of the Groenewoud Family, Part I: Origins, 1994

Groenheide - Willem Klaas. Parenteel van Willem Klaas Groenheide, compiled by Willem Kappe, 2010

Groenheide - Thys Groenheide Family Chart

Groenink - A Tracing of History: from Netherlands to New Era, by Kristi Van Dyke, 1986

Groenou - Arnoldus Groenou. Descendants of Arnoldus Groenou (Groningen, Netherlands), 1661+, compiled by Richard Harms, Jan 2017

Groot - Jan Groot. Het Westfriese Geslacht Groot, 1982 [Dutch]

Groot - The Klaas Groot Family Record, undated

Groot - Nanne Groot. Mary Maartje's Story [Canada], 1999

Groot - Pieter Jansz Groot [Dutch and English], 1990

Grootemaat - Johannes Grootemaat. Een Hollandse Windmolen te Milwaukee (Wisconsin) en de Familie Grootemaat, by F. Inniger, 1991

Grooters - Memories of My Journey, by Minnie De Witt Grooters, 1982

Grootveld - See: de Waal Malefyt, Vol. I

Grutter - Ancestors of Robert James Grutter, compiled by Ethel V. Strom

Guigelaar - James Guigelaar Family Chart, 1978


Haagsma - Broer Ysbrands. Family tree, compiled by Petronella Venhuis, undated

Haagsma - Sjoerd Jacobs Haagsma. Haagsma immigration to North America, New Jersey, and Ontario, Canada

Haan - Gijsbert Haan. The Haan Family Story, by Doris Haan Wyngarden, 1976-1977

Haan - Jacob Jans Haan. The Haan Family Genealogy 1650-1980, compiled by Ralph Leonard Haan Jr., 1980

Haan - Harm Vonk. Kornelia Hendriks Haan. Her Ancestors and Descendants, 1829-1913, compiled by Paula K. Vander Hoven, 2009

Haasdijk - Alle JansHaasdijk. The Haasdijk Family from 1683, compiled by Ulrich Haasdijk, 2<sup>nd</sup> edition, 1991

Haasjes - Jan Jans Haasjes, Jacob Haasjes, Roelof Haasjes, Hendrik Haasjes, Klaas Haasjes, Parenteel van Jan Jans Haasjes, compiled by Willem Kappe, 2010

Hager - Josephine Johanna Hager, undated

Hager - Elizabeth Hager. - Ancestry of Elizabeth Ann Hager (Kiel), 2006

Hager - See: Kiel: Ancestors of Elizabeth Ann Hager (Kiel)

Hainje - Abe Hainje Family History [English] and De Hania en Hanja's [Dutch], undated

Hamm - Luitje (Lewis). Ham genealogy

Hamstra - Roger Dale Hamstra. Hamstra Family Record, 1984

Hanenburg - Arjen Hanenburg. The House of Hanenburg, compiled by Josephine Van Heest Zuyddyk, 1981

Hanenburg - Jan Hanenburg. Hanenburg and Rozendal: A Family History, 1986

Harkema - Bouwe Harkema. Family information [newspaper clippings], undated

Harkema - Jan Harkema Family; also, See: Edward Cook

Harmelink - Harmelink Genealogy, Rock Valley, Iowa and Cedar Grove, Wisconsin 1978

Harms - Geert Harms. Biographical Notes and Genealogy of Descendants in the Netherlands and America of Geert Harms and Grietje Raak Family, compiled by Margaret Raak Vanderploeg, April 1978

Harms - Jan Harms. Genealogy of the Descendants of Jan Harms & Unknown and Egbert Jans & Unknown, undated

Harms - Harms. Harms Descendants (Groningen, Nethelands), prepared by Richard Harms, 2017

Harms - Harms-Viersen-Freehouse-Wilkey Families, compiled by Richard H. Harms, 2006

Harmsen - Gerrit Harmsen. Harmsen Family Tree, compiled by Verla Hooker, 1980

Hartgerink - Alexander and Englebert Hartgerink. Family Genealogy, 1978

Harth - Peter Harth. Fragment-genealogie Harth, by George Ramsay, 1991

Hartley - See: Den Hartog genealogy

Hartog - See: Dykenga: Simon Hartog Immigration and Americanization of Four Dutch Family Lines, 1986

Havenga - See: Fox: Roelof Fox

Haverkate - Evert Kaverkate. Family Group information

He(c)kman - He(c)kman in Noordoost Nederland sinds de 16e eeuw, by M. Van Der Woude and G. Hekman, 2006 See: [HERH CS 829 .H435 W684 2006]

Heersink - The Family and Descendants of Adolf and Grada Heersink, compiled Gordon and Grace De Young, 1993

Heetderks - Gerrit John Heetderks. The Heetderks Story, 1956

Heida - Ted and Margaret Heida. First 25 Years in Canada: The Heida Family, 1976

Heijns - See: Heyns

Heijns - Gerrit Heijns. Heijns/Heyns Family History as gathered by Jacqueline Heys Rudeen, 1995. See also: Manuscript Collection #49: As I Remember It, by Joanne Heyns De Jong

Heine - See: Heyns

Heins - See: Miedema Family History

Hekhuis - Gerrit Jan Hekhuis. Hekhuis Family Tree, undated

Hekman - See: He(c)kman

Hekman - Edsko Hekman and Calvin College and Seminary, 1979: see Manuscript Collection #498 William Spoelhof. Also, see: College Collection

Hekman - Jan Egbert Hekman. Descendants of Jan Egbert Hekman. See also: Four Frisian Families, by Thomas Holwerda, 2008

Helder - See: Van der Ploeg. A Genealogical Record with Pictures of Frisians

Hempanius - Immigrational History of Janke Hempanius and Rena Veenstra, by Loray De Vries, 1986

Hendricks - Ben Hendricks and Ann Buizer Family History, 1983

Hendriks - Wijcher Hendriks. Parenteel van Wijcher Hendriks, compiled by Willem Kappe, 2010

Hengeveld - Birth and death certificates [Dutch], undated

Hertel - The Ancestral History of the Wieberen Hertel Family, 1983

Heslinga - Jacob Clases Heslinga. The Heslinga Family Genealogy: Descendents of Epo Douwes Aylwa, by Virginia Voskuil Bouma [2010] and The Rock from Which We are Hewn

Hettema - Ynthe Hettema. Descendants of Ijnthe Hettema, undated

Hettema - H. P. Hettema. Remembrance and Life Experiences, written by the late H. P. Hettema, translation of Nagedachtenis en Levenservaringen, 1883, translated by Ren‚e Van Keulen, 1999

Heukels - Edward C. Heukels. Correspondence regarding Heukels Genealogy [late 1980s]

Heusinkveld - Dirk Heusinkveld, Willem Heusinkveld, Evert Heusinkveld, and Gerrit Heusinkveld. Heusinkvelds in America, 1966

Heusinkveld - Dick Heusinkveld. The Cornerpost: The Heusinkveld Memoirs, 1980

Heyboer - Familie Heyboer [Dutch], undated

Heyboer - William James Heyboer. See: Longstreet, Vandenberg and Heyboer, by Fred Ritsema, 1998-2021 (also see Photo Collection, Fred Ritsema)

Heynen - See: Heyns

Heyns - Peter Freiershaus [Peter Heyn]. Tracing our Roots to the Old Farmhouse of Heine, 2004

Heyns - See: Manuscript Collection #49: As I Remember It, by Joanne Heyns De Jong

Hillebrands - Hendrik Hillebrands. Descendants of Hindrik Hillebrands, by Dick Harms

Hiskes - Harold Hiskes. In Memoriam, 1996 (limited genealogy)

Hoekema - Hette Hommes. Hoekema Family Tree, 1991

Hoekema - NIJS fan'e Hoekema-Stifting, 1951 - 2001

Hoekert/Hooker - Berent Hoeker. Hoekert Family (Hoeker & Hooker), 1977

Hoekinga - Peter Hoekinga. Growing Up Christian Reformed, by Ruth Donker, 2001

Hoekstra - A Letter to Sarah: Two Centuries of the Hoekstra Family in Holland and America, by H. D. Hoekstra, 1983

Hoekstra - Klaas (Urk) Hoekstra Ancestry, 1990

Hoekstra - Louis Hoekstra. Janet Huyser Hoekstra: My Life Story and Other Memories, undated

Hoekstra - Pieter and Jacoba Alida Clausing Hoekstra, undated

Hoekstra - Teunis Lolles Hoekstra Tree, 1953

Hoeve - Jacob Geerts Hoeve. Parenteel van Jacob Geerts Hoeve, compiled by Willem Kappe, 2010

Hoeve - Peter Geerts Hoeve. Parenteel van Peter Geerts Hoeve, compiled by Willem Kappe, 2010

Hoffman - See: Hofman

Hofma - Gerben Hofma. The Hofma Family [copied from Blinder Hale, Gordon Kuipers]

Hofma - See: Ulberg/Verhage Genealogy

Hofman - John Hofman. Jurgen Cornelis Pot Moltmaker, and John and Grietje Hoorns-Spijkerman, undated

Hofman - Recollections by Mrs. John Hofman Sr. and other records, 1970

Hofman - Onne Hofman. Descendants of Onne Hofman, undated

Hofman-Koning - The Family of Cornelia Hofman-Koning and the Family of Albert Harm Koning, undated

Hofs - Gathered data concerning emigrants Hofs, undated

Hofste(d)e - Maarten Cornelisse. The History of the Hofste(d)e Family [Canada] 1978, two folders

Hofste(d)e - Hofstee/Hofstede Family, An Annotated Genealogy [Canada] 1985

Hofstra - Richard Hofstra. "Old China Hands Oral History Project [with] Mrs. Johanna Aleida Jansma Hofstra" [missionares in Amoy, China], 1977

Hofstra - Folkert Hofstra. Descendants of Folkert Hofstra

Hofstra - John Hofstra. The Life of John Hofstra (1871-1950), Sr., by Raymond Hofstra

Hoftiezer - See: Hoftijzer: Family Group Record, 1993

Hoftijzer - Willem Theodor Hoftijzer: Family Group Record, 1993

Hoftiser - See: Hoftijzer: Family Group Record, 1993

Hoftyser - See: Hoftijzer: Family Group Record, 1993

Hoitinga - Hoitinga, Sjoerd. Hoitinga family genealogy, - ca 1577-1979

Hoitink - Gerhardus Johannes Hoitink [Dutch], undated

Hokse - Roelof Roelofs Hokse. Parenteel van Roelof Roelofs Hokse, compiled by Willem Kappe, 2010

Hol - Roelof Roelofs Hokse. Parenteel van Berend Everts Hol, compiled by Willem Kappe, 2010

Holkeboer - Friesland Farmer 160 Years Ago, by Edward Prins, 1976

Hollander - Hollanders of Roden, Drenthe, Neth, undated

Holleman - See: Ulberg/Verhage Genealogy

Holleman - Willian Holleman. A Dutch Immigrant of 1855 and His Wife Clara Ulberg Holleman, The Family in Holland and America, by James P. Dahm, 2001

Holstege - Hendrik Holstege. History of the Holstege Immigrants

Holwerda - Gerhardus Holwerda. Biography, 1894-1975(?)

Holwerda - Jacob Jons. Four Frisian Families and Their Adventures in a New World, compiled by Thomas Holwerda, 2008. See also: Boddeus, Engelhard, Weeber, and Holwerda Families

Holwerda - Jan Jacobs Holwerda. - Descendants of Jan Jacobs Holwerda, compiled by Gerald H. Holwerda, [2012]

Holwerda - Jan Holwerda and Jantje Schripsema Holwerda, researched and compiled by Arlene Brummel Rhoda, undated

Holwerda - Peter and Edith Holwerda. The Holwerdas, compiled by Jerry Holwerda, 2011

Holwerda - Sytze Baukes Holwerda. The Holwerda Family Tree, ca. 1767-1817, compiled by Gerry Holwerda, 2011; Descendancy Narrative of Sytze Baukes Holwerda; Holwerda Genealogy Name List

Homan - See: Torringa: Een oud Ommelander geslacht [Dutch]

Hoogeboom - Hoogeboom & Meines Genealogy, 1715-1993

Hoogendam - Bert and Frances Verdun-Hoogendam. Passing on the Dutch Culture to the Second Generation, by Karen Hoogendam, undated

Hoogeveen - De familienaam Hoogeveen [Dutch and English], undated

Hoogland - Ge‰migreerde Hooglands Volgens de Opgave and Genealogie [Dutch], undated

Hoogstra - Where Did I Come From? Robert A. Hoogstra, 1980

Hooker - See: Hoekert, Hoekert Family (Hoeker & Hooker)

Hoorns - See: Hofman: Hoorns-Spijkerman, Hofman, Moltmaker, and Hoorns-Spijkerman

Hoort - Hoort (Hoot), Henry. Compiled by Mary and Dennis Dekoekkoek, 2003

Hoot - See: Henry Hoort Family History

Hop - See: Een oud Ommelander geslacht [Dutch]

Hospers - Jan Hospers. Seek Ye First the Things of God! The Life and Writings of Jan Hospers. Written and edited by Douglas Rozendal, published January 2019

Houmes - Adriaan Houmes. De Familie Houmes in de USA, by P. Houmes, 1991

Housekamp - See: Huiskamp: Family group record

Houwerzijl - Descendants of Enne Sibrants Houwerzijl, undated

Hovercate - Evert Hovercate

Hoving - Family tree of Pieter Hoving and of Geert (George) Becksvoort and their wives Helen Laarman and Zwaantje Brinks, undated

Huisenga - The Family History of Peter Huisenga Sr., by George Kuipers, undated

Huisjen - Arent Jan Huisjen, Marinus Rottier, Hendrik Lummen, Aalt VanPutten. A Different Time and Place, A Memoir, by David R. Huisjen, 2006

Huiskamp - Family group record [Dutch], undated

Huiskamp - Van Silvolde tot Huiskamp A II, Van Silvolde tot Huiskamp Epe [Dutch], and Het Geslacht Huiskamp (R. K.), [three folders] undated

Huizenga - See: de Waal Malefyt Volume 1

Huizenga - Harm Huizenga. The Huizenga Family in America, 1893-1990

Huizenga - Jacob Willems. The Huizenga Story or the Descendants of Jacob Willems and Anje Leves, 1993

Huizenga - John Huizenga. Family charts, 1997

Huizenga - Harm (Harry) Huizenga. The Life Story of Harm (Harry) Huizenga 1869-1936 and The Immigration of One Which Led to Many, 1988

Huizenga - Nick Huizenga. Surrounded by Witnesses, History of Nicholas and Joan Huizinga, undated

Huizinga - Elmer Huizinga. See Manuscript Collection #125

Huizingh - Pieter Huizingh. - Pieter Huizingh and Janna Westerhof Huizingh Genealogy, undated

Hulst - Egbert Hulst. Parenteel van Egbert Hulst, compiled by Willem Kappe, 2010

Hulst - Harm Meilofs Hulst. Parenteel van Harm Meilofs Hulst, compiled by Willem Kappe, 2010

Hulst - Hendrik Jans Hulst. Parenteel van Hendrik Jans Hulst, compiled by Willem Kappe, 2010

Hulst - Jan Hendriks Hulst: Dutch Seceder and Michigan Pioneer, by Kevin L. Ash, 2004

Hulst - Jan Hulst, 1984

Hulst - Klaas Harms Hulst. Parenteel van Klaas Harms Hulst, compiled by Willem Kappe, 2010

Hulst - Lubbert Hulst. Parenteel van Lubbert Hulst, compiled by Willem Kappe, 2010

Hulst - See: Telegenhof: Martin Hulst

Hulst - Martinus Hulst: Founder of an American Family, by Steve Hulst, 1986

Hulstein - Reijer Hulstein, 2006

Hungerink - Gerrit Hendrik Hungerink, undated

Huyser - See: Hoekstra: Pieter Huyser. My Life Story and Other Memories, by Janet Huyser Hoekstra

Huyser - Peter Huyser. The Huyser Family and Their Descendants from the Year 1663, by Edward Prins 1971

Hyink - Lydia Hyink. Documents Related to the History of the Family and Descendants of Lydia Hyink, undated

Hyma - The Family History of Rintje Hyma and Grietje Wietsema, Including the Family of Rintje's First Wife Hendrika Deur, 1992

Ijff - Gerrit Jansz Yff. Stam Ijff Westzaan-Assendelft [Dutch], 1962

Immink - G. J. Immink. Compiled by Esther Koops Timmer, 1970

Insinger - Frederik Robbert Insinger, undated

Ippel - Andrew and Mary Ippel. Some information about the Andrew and Mary Ippel Family, compiled by Henry P. Ippel, 2000

Ippel - Gerrit Ippel. Information [Dutch], undated

Ippel - Hendricus Ippel. Descendants of Hendricus Ippel and Elizabeth DeGraaff, undated

Ippel - Jan Corneliszoon Ippel. The Ippel Ancestral Home: A History of the Farmhouse Built in 1737, 1990

Israels - See: Gerrit Jan Sprik: Joe Israels

Iwema - Bonne Harms Iwema. The Descendants of Bonne Harms Iwema and Hiltje Pieters Hazenberg in America (including Euwemas), undated

Iwema - Jan Iwema. Family information (from Henry J. Stob's manuscript collection)

Jager - See: Fox: Roelof Fox

Jager - See: Jan Boijckema and Courtjen Rijpkes. Four Families of Otto Deckinga and Marie Jager

Jager - Derk and Jennie Jager. - Descendants of Derk and Jennie Jager

Jager - Jan and Greitje Stoepker Jager, undated

Jager - Johannes Jager and Martje Hoogstra. - Jager Family Tree, undated

Jalving - Lukas Jalving. The Story of My Life, by Jennie Kolean, 1983

Jans - Jjes Jans. Descendants and Families of Jjes (hijum) Jans

Jans - Leffert Jans. Jans & Unknown Genealogy, (Vol. 1 and 2), undated

Jansen - Genealogy and Family History of Jan Dirk Jansen, 1984

Jansma - Jan Douwes Jansma. The Descendants of Jan Douwes Jansma, 2010

Jellema - The Jellema's from Dokkum Woods, by Henk Tak, 2009

Jellema - The Story of Johannes W. Jellema, 1865-1920 by David Postma, 2009

Jellema - William Harry Jelleman (Wiegart Harm) (1893-1982). See: Manuscript Collection #135

Jeltes - Jan S. Jeltes. Story of the Life of Jans Simons Jeltes and His Wife Eelje Jakobs Helder, undated

Jeltes - See: Bosma: Bosma Genealogy

Johnson - Elizabeth Lubbers Johnson: Ancestors, Descendants and Remembrances by Robert and Beth Bode, 2000

Johnson - See: Roelof Fox

Johnson - Effie Beukema Johnson. The Genealogy and Memories of Effie Beukema Johnson, 1985

Johnson - Barend Jansen. Johnson Family Register, 1925-1975

Joldersma - Jacob Joldersma [Dutch], undated

Jongsma - Our Family: Jongsma/Solle and Boss/Roelfsema, 2002

Jongsma - The Jongsma Families from Friesland, Netherlands, E. Vleer, 1974

Jongste - See: Maarten Vander Lugt -

Jonker - See: Broek: The Broek and Jonker Families of Holland, Michigan, and Provinces Overijssel and Groningen.

Jonker - Cornelius Jonker and Teetje Blom, undated

Jonker - Peter Jonker. Family Journal, compiled by Robert J. Yonker, 2001

Jonkheer - Isaac Jonkheer. Family Group information, letters

Jonkman - See: Roelof Fox

Kalee - See: Kahle

Kahle - Descendants of Herman Kahle, undated

Kallemeyn - The Descendants of Maarten Kallemeyn [two folders], 1849-1934, 1970

Kalma - Descendants of Dirk Karstes and Aake Jetzes Wobma (2 books) [Friesian]

Kalsbeek - Frank Kalsbeek. A Family Takes Shape, by Anne Hiemstra, 1980

Kamper - Gerrit Kamper. Memories for the Children, by Grace Kamper Hanenburg, 1996

Kampstra - Hendrik Kampstra, undated

Kapenga - Albert Jemmes Kapenga. Kapenga/Kapinga's uit de Marne [Dutch], 1994

Kapteyn - See: Binnema

Kapteyn - The History and Genealogy of the Kapteyn Family, by Bryan William Kapteyn, 2009. See: Manuscript Collection #78, C. P. Kapteijn Letters

Karsen - Siebert (Bert) Karsen. Photos and new articles

Karsten - Harmen Pieters Karsten. Afdeling Bevolking, 1958

Karsten - Peter Karsten. Karsten Genealogy, compiled by Julius R. Karsten, 1992

Karsten - W. Jacob Karsten. A Short History of the W. J. Karsten Family, by Esther (Karsten) Waid, 1980

Kats - J. W. Kats Family Tree and Family History, 1982, including 1985 update

Keessen - Philippus Keessen. Facts known about the American Keessen Family as per March 31, 1994

Keijzer - Familieboek Keijzer and The Life's Story of Arie and Grietje [Keizer] Van Hoff [Dutch], undated

Keizer - John Keiser. The Keizer Family, 1986

Kempenaar - Anecdotes of New Amsterdam, Wisconsin of Ella Kempenaar Huizenga, undated

Kempers - Gerrit Kempers. The Kempers Family, 1841-1948

Kerklingh - Jacob Daniel Kerklingh, undated

Keuning - John Keuning. John, Son of Arie [autobiography]. See: [HERH E184 .D9 K43]

Kiel - Ancestry of Donald Kiel, 2006

Kiewiet - Kiewiet. Kiewiet Descendants. Groningen, Netherlands, compiled Jan 2017

Kikkert - The Early Years and Memories of Jacob and Lena Kikkert, 1994

Kilwinger - Genealogie Van Het Geslacht Kilwinger [Dutch], 1990

Kingma - Kingma/Greydanus [Douwe Jurjens] Family Tree, compiled by John Koole, 2009

Kist - See: Klaas DeJong: - DeRuitijer, Jacob Daniel

Kleiboer - Gerrit Kleiboer. Descendant information

Kleinhans - Evert Kleinjans. Family information, undated

Kleinhesselink - Kleinhesselink Ancestry, undated

Kleinhuizen - Albert Hendriks Kleinhuizen. Genealogy of the Kleinhuizen Family, 1700s-1988, by Lowell Kleinhuizen, 1989

Klein Wassink - Stamboom vande Familie Klien Wassink, 1998

Kleinow - See: Blohm: Blohm/Kleinow Family Roots of Yesterday 1850-1980, by Penni Blohm.

Kleis - Albert Kleis. Family Genealogy

Kleis - Peter Willems Kleis. Parenteel van Peter Willems Kleis, compiled by Willem Kappe, 2010

Klinge - Jan Hendriks Klinge. The Gilbert Klinge Family Tree, compiled by Jerry Holwerda, 2011

Klomp - Family Tree of the Gerrit Klomp and Hendrikje Durrink Family, 1799-1976

Klomparens - Albert, Harm, Jan Hendrik, Arend Jan Klomparens. Four Brothers Klomparens, by Edward Prins, 1972 with name index

Klooster - See: Bouwsma: Three Dutch Families in Old Muskegon, Bouwsma, Boersma, Klooster, 1998

Klooster - Hinke Foppes Klooster, undated

Kloppenburg - Cornelis Jacobszoon Kloppenburg, undated

Knoll - Jan Knoll and Wolter Harms Knoll. Parenteel van Jan Knoll and Wolter Harms Knoll, compiled by Willem Kappe, 2010

Knooihuizen - Biographical Notes and Genealogy of the Remt and Grietje Knooihuizen Family, Groningen, Netherlands, late 1700 to early 1900

Kobes - Jacob C. Kobes (1895-1963). Family tree and other information

Koetje - Kornelius H. Koetje. The Koetje Family, compiled by Willard J. Koetje, 1999

Kok - See: Edward Cook

Kok - Egbert Kok (1897-1976). See: Vertical File, #161

Kok - Jan Kok. Genealogy of Jan Kok, also biographical notes, 1992

Kolean - See: Jalving, Lukas: The Story of My Life, by Jennie Kolean

Kolean - See: Wierenga: Narratives of Family History: Peter, John, and Johanna Kolean

Kolstein(Colstein) - Hendrik Jans Kolstein. Family genealogy information

Koman - Koman

Koning - See: Hofman-Koning: The Family of Cornelia Hofman-Koning and The Family of Albert Harm Koning, undated

Konyndyk - Jan Konyndyk and Jaape Lagendijk. Family Group Record and other family information, undated

Konyndyk - Simon Konyndyk. From the Konijnendijks of Zuid-Holland to the Konyndyks of Grand Rapids, compiled by Roger Konyndyk [2015]

Kooijman - See: Kooiman: Het Westfriese Geslacht Kooiman [Dutch]

Kooiker - Claas Harms Kooiker. Parenteel van Claas Harms Kooiker, compiled by Willem Kappe, 2010

Kooiker - Egbert Kooiker and Aaltje Tippe. Parenteel van Egbert Kooiker and AaltjeTippe, compiled by Willem Kappe, 2010

Kooiker - Egbert Kooiker and Hendrikje Redder. Parenteel van Egbert Kooiker and Hendrikje Redder, compiled by Willem Kappe, 2010

Kooiker - Gerrit H - Kooiker. A Dutch-American Family History, by Marilyn A. Kooiker, 1993

Kooiker - Harmen Klaas Kooiker. Parenteel van Harmen Klaas Kooiker, compiled by Willem Kappe, 2010

Kooiker - Jan Klaas Berends Kooiker. Parenteel van Jan Klaas Berends Kooiker, compiled by Willem Kappe, 2010

Kooiker - Roelof Kooiker. Parenteel van Roelof Kooiker, compiled by Willem Kappe, 2010

Kooiman - Het Westfriese Geslacht Kooiman [Dutch], 1977

Kooiman - Gerrit Kooiman. History of the Kooiman Families, by Mrs. S. P. [Minnie] Eldersveld, 1967

Kooistra - Garrit Kooistra Family Charts, 1983

Kooistra - Tjitze Kooistra [Dutch], undated

Koole - Gerhardus and Jan Koole, 2009

Koops - Berend Koops and Antje Kuiken Koops. Koops Family in America, by John Koops, 2005

Kooy - Derk Kooy. Family Group Record and other family information

Kooyers - (Koijers/Kooyers) Twisted Roads to the Past: Thirteen Generations from 1717, by Marcia Lubbers

Korfker - Autobiography of William H. Korfker, 1843-1929, and The Korfker Family Tree, 1720-1960

Korhorn - See: Wierenga: Narratives of Family History: Pieter Korhorn

Kortenhoevens - Cornelis Kortenhoevens. - Genealogy of Kortenhoevens in the United States of America and their Ancestors in Netherlands, undated

Korterink - Jan (Kortman) Korterink. Parenteel van Jan (Kortman) Korterink, compiled by Willem Kappe, 2010

Korthuis - >

Korthuis - Korthuis Family History, by Jay Anema, 2008

Korver - See: Mouw: The Descendents of the Brothers Cornelius and Jan Mouw, 1972

Koster - Jan Pieters Tammes Koster

Koster - Ancestors of Jessica Rose

Koster - Willem Koster. Koster Family History, undated

Kraayenbrink - Albert Kraayenbrink. When I Was a Girl, by Nellie Kraayenbrink-Rens, 2002

Kraker - History: Kraker (Scholten) Family Genealogy, 1949

Kremer - Hendrik Kremer. The History of the Kremers, as written by Tamme Kremer, undated

Kreykes - The Geneological and Historical Background of the Kreykes (Kreijkes) Family, 1691-1977; Family of Johan Kreykes and Ella Aardema

Krijgsman - Evert Krijgsman. Tree of Evert Krijgsman in Oene, Gelderland, Netherlands, 1998

Kroes - Henry P. Kroes. My Journey through Life, 1949

Kruidhof - Roelof Kruidhof. Parenteel van Roelof Kruidhof, compiled by Willem Kappe, 2010

Kruithof - Gommert Kruithof Genealogy (1871-1932)

Kuieck - Hendrik Jan Kuieck. The Kuieck family from Bible #1895

Kuiers - Jentje Egberts Kuiers (Kuijers). Parenteel van Jentje Egberts Kuiers (Kuijers), compiled by Willem Kappe, 2010

Kuiken - Beert Willems Kuiken. Kuiken Family, undated (see also Koops)

Kuiken - Teunis Kuiken. Kuiken Family history

Kuiken - See: de Waal Malefyt, Vol. 2

Kuiper - See also: Kuyper

Kuiper - See: Cooper: An Account of Herman Cooper (Kuiper) who settled in Coopersville, Michigan, in 1879

Kuiper - Klaas Arends Kuiper. Parenteel van Klaas Arends Kuiper, compiled by Willem Kappe, 2010

Kuiper - Koob Pouwel Kuiper. Parenteel van Koob Pouwel Kuiper, compiled by Willem Kappe, 2010

Kuiper - Roelof Hans(en) Kuiper. Parenteel Van Roelof Hans(en) Kuiper, prepared by Bert Willering, 2006

Kuiper - Willhem Jans Kuiper

Kuipers - Albert Kuipers (1830-1904). The Original Promoter of the Immigration to America, 1990

Kuipers - Berend T. Kuipers. Genealogy of the Descendants of Berend T. and Geppiena Kuipers, 1971

Kuipers - John W. Kuipers (1913-1983). See: Manuscript Collection #161

Kuipers - Pieter Kuipers. Some information pertaining to the Kuipers family, compiled by Gordon Kuipers, 2006, 2010 undated

Kuipers - Tjalling Kuipers. Blinder Hale, by Gordon Kuipers, 2010

Kuipers - William Kuipers. The William Kuipers Family: Origins and Historical Background, 1980

Kuyers - Gerben Kuyers. According to Gerben: A Personal History of the Kuyers Family in the United States. By Marcia Kuyers, 2010.

Kuyers - Klaas Peters Kuyers. Parenteel van Klaas Peters Kuyers, compiled by Willem Kappe, 2010

Kuyper - Arie C. Kuyper. Kuyper Genealogy 1694-1971, with 1973 supplement

Kuyper - Het Voorgeslacht Van Dr. Abraham Kuyper [Dutch], undated

Kuyper - Kuyper Blies Verzamelen by J. W. Geelhoed, 1975 - See: [BX 9479 .K8 G43]

Kuypers - Michiel Kuypers [Dutch], undated


Laarman - See: Van Stempvoort, Paul: Cora Laarman: A Grandmother Remembers, 1991

Laarman - See: Hoving, Pieter

Lacke/Lakke - Henrik Arents Lacke. Genealogie Lacke-Lakke [Dutch], undated

La Fleur - The La Fleur Families, compiled by Judith Ann (nee Wassenaar) Bouwman, undated

La Fleur - See: Vander Baan

Lakke - See: Lacke: Genealogie Lacke-Lakke [Dutch]

LaLau - From Family Bible #1729, undated

Lam - Norman Lam letters and family information, 1918-1939

Landa - Bastiaan Pieter and Susje Smit. The Landa Family in America: A History, 1993

Landaal - Melchert Landaal, family genealogy, compiled by Paul V. Pettinga, 2008, with the addition: The Rock From Which We are Hewn, undated

Landaal/Wensink - The Landaal-Wensink Family Tree, 1500s to the present, compiled by Virginia Voskuil Bouma, [2008]

Landeweer - Egbert Hendriks Landeweer. The Landweer Genealogy: Descendents of Egbert Hendriks Klein Landeweer; The Rock from Which We Are Hewn; and The Story of the Phoenix Ship Disaster, by Virginia Voskuil Bouma, [2010]

Landeweerd - Hendrik J Landeweerd. A History of the Landeweerds in America, undated

Lang - Friedrik Jannes Lang (van Lang). Descendants of Friedrik Jannes Lang (van Lang), Groningen, Netherlands

Langejans - Henry J. Langejans. Langejans Roots, 1978

Langeland - Harke Clasen. Lang(e)land Family Reunion, compiled by R. B. Risk, 1997

Langhout - Langhout descendants chart and pedigree chart, 1992

Langstraat - Jan Lanstraat. Descendants and Families of Jan Langstraat

Langstraat - Hendrik Langstraat. The History of the Family of Hendrik Langstraat in America, 1984

Lantinga - Neelke Lantinga and Elizabeth (Postma). The History of Our Parents, written by Charles Lantinga

Lasscher - Roelof Lasscher. The Lasscher Family, compiled by Judith Ann Wassenaar Bouwman, undated

Laug - Herman Laug. Herman Laug family information

Lautenbach - Familievereniging voor Lautenbachs [Dutch, with translation], 1988

Lee - Richard Lee (1617-1664). Descendants of Richard Lee of Virginia, the Virginia Ancestor Series, Volume XXXIV, Edition 3, by Carol A. Hauk, 1997

Leenhouts - Isaac Lenhouts. Individual Summary

Leenhouts - Pieter Leenhouts, William Leenhouts, Leenhouts, undated

Leensvaart - See: Pettinga

Leensvaart - Dirk Claeszn Leensvaart. Leensvaart Index, compiled by Paul Pettinga, 2008

Leep - Andrew Leep Family, Family History 1848-1958 [vault - 1 microfilm reel]

Leep - Anthony Leep and Jeanette Zandstra. Family charts, 1976

Leep - Klaas Leep. History and Family Tree of the Leep Family in North America, 1955; Klaas Leep and Clara Prins: Yesterday is Gone Forever, by Lars Larson, undated

Leep - Nicholas E. Leep and Hilda Zandstra. Family chart, 1981

Leijser - News clippings [Dutch, with translations], undated

Lemmen - Susan Gayle Lemmon. Ancestors and pedigree

Lemmen - Ale Lemmen. Genealogy of the Lemmen Family of Allegan County, Michigan, USA, 1976

Lemmen - Geert Lemmen. The Lemmen Family, by Lloyd J. Lemmen and Loren J. Lemmen, 2000

Lepeltak - See: Gerrit Jan Sprik: Peter Lepeltak

Libolt-VanderPol - Treasured Memories of Lydia Libolt VanderPol, 1983

Lindemulder - Johan Cord Linnem?ller. Lindemulder Family, by Petra Zijlstra-Kuipers, 1995

Longstreet - Philip Longstreet. Longstreet, Vandenberg, and Heyboer, by Fred Ritsema, 1998-2021 (also see Photograph Collection - Fred Ritsema)

Loomans - Hendrik Loomans. Register Report, compiled by Paul V. Pettinga

Lubbers - Geert Lubbers. Descendants of Geert Lubbers. Compiled by Shirley Lubbers and Melva Mulder, 2000

Lubbers - See: Gerrit Jan Sprik: John Lubbers

Lucas - Steven Lucas. Genealogy of the Descendants of Steven Lucas for Seven Generations, 1794-1964, third edition

Lucas - Steven Lucas. Genealogy Supplement of the Descendants of Steven Lucas, 1794-1975, fourth edition,

Lucas - Steven Lucas. Genealogy of the Descendants of Steven Lucas, 1794-1975, fifth edition, 1995.

Luinenga - Aldert and Eilke Rijtsma Luinenga. Birth certificates [Dutch and English], undated

Luten - Harm Luten. Parenteel van Harm Luten, compiled by Willem Kappe, 2010

Lummen - See: Huisjen, David R: Hendrik Lummen

Machiela - Jan Annes Machiela. - Descendants of Jan Annes Machiela, compiled by Jeff Machiela, 2008

Malefyt - See: DeWaal Malefyt

Manting - See: Westing: Genealogy of the Westing and Steketee and Manting (Mantingh) Families of Holland, Michigan

Maring - Saartje Maring. Maring Family Narrative, compiled by Grayson M. Meints, 2014

Marskamp - Gerrit Marskamp. The Immigration of Gerrit Marskamp and His Family, by Julie Elizabeth Vos, 1980

Martense - Adrian Martense. Family information from Bible # 1718, undated

Masmeyer - See: Brashler Family History

Masselink - Hendrik Masslink. The Masselink Family Tree, undated

Mast - Henry Mast. The Mast Genealogy, compiled by Alverne Mast Sidor, undated

Mast - Jacob R. Mast. See The Mast Descendants

Mast - Jan Harms Mast. The (Jan) Mast Descendants from 1707 to 2001, by Robert J. Mast

Mast - Jan Harms Mast. Parenteel van Jan Harms Mast, compiled by Willem Kappe, 2010

Meekhof - Myne Meekhof. - A Chronical of the Meekhof Family (Tjabel Meekhof heritage), 1995 [two folders]

Meengs - See: Gerrit Jan Sprik: John Meengs

Meeter - See: Dykenga: The Immigration Americanization of Four Dutch Family Lines, by Paul. J. Meeter, Andries Meeter, 1986

Meeuwsen - Jan D. Meeuwsen. Family information. (Taken from Otto G. Van Dyk Genealogy)

Meeuwsen - Jan Jozias Meeuwsen. The 135th Anniversary of Jan Jozias Meeuwsen's Arrival in America, 1982

Meinders - Geertje Meinders. The Memory of the Just, undated

Meinders - See: Van Dam, Jan: Geesje Meinders

Meinema - See: Torringa: Een oud Ommelander Geslacht [Dutch]

Meines - Genealogie Family Meines [Dutch and English], undated

Meines - See: Hoogeboom: Hoogeboom & Meines Genealogy

Meints - Jan Meints. Meints Narrative, compiled by Graydon M. Meints, revised 2013

Mellens - Jacob and Annetrien Albartus Mellens [Dutch, with translation], undated

Melpolder - John Melpolder, undated

Mennes - Roelf Mennes. Descendants of Roelf Mennes and Foske Kubberts Westerloo, undated

Mennes - See: Deckinga: The Families of Otto Deckinga and Marie Jager; see also: Boijckema and Rijpkes; Bruins and Peters; and Stoepker and Grietje

Mensonides - Paper by David Mensonides, undated

Merison - Cornelis Merison (Merizon), prepared by Richard Harms, undated

Meulste - Huybrecht Meulste [Dutch], undated

Meyer - See: de Waal Malefyt Vol. 1

Meyer - See: Miedema Family History

Meyer - Willemke Meyer, birth certificate, undated

Michmerschuizen - The Hendrik Grijpmoed Michmerschuizen and Hendrieka Johanna Rozendam Family Genealogy, compiled by Evelyn Jannenga Schmidt and Paul D. Schmidt, 1997

Middel - Egbert Janszn Middel [Dutch], undated

Middlecamp - See: Milkamp: History of the Milkamp, Millekamp, Middlecamp Families, by Tressa M. LaFayette

Miedema - Jelgar Jacobs. Miedema Family History: the Genealogy of Jelger Jacobs, 2016

Miedema - Jelgar Jacobs. Miedema Family History: the Descendants of Jelgar Jacobs, ancestor of Nell Miedema (1884-1943) of Grand Rapids, MI (including surnames of Abbenga, Bruinsma, Folkertsma, Heins, Meyer, Miedema, Peterson, Tolsma, van der Schaaf, and Westra), compiled by Lenore VandenBout Brashler, 2016

Miedema - Pieter Jans Miedema and Jan Pieters Miedema, birth certificates [Dutch and translation], undated

Milkamp - History of the Milkamp, Millekamp, Middlecamp Families, by Tressa M. La Fayette, 1997

Millekamp - See: Milkamp: History of the Milkamp, Millekamp, Middlecamp Families, by Tressa M. La Fayette

Minderhout - John Minderhout. Family Group information, 1990

Minnema - August Minnema. History of the Minnema Family, undated

Minnema - See: Hoot, Henry (Hoort)

Minnema - Jasper Douwes Minnema. Our Heritage and Family Tree, by Rena Westra, 1983

Minnema - John Minnema. History of John and Frances Minnema, by Frances Greydanus, 1981

Modderman - Tomas Benes Modderman. Descendants of Tomas Benes Modderman, by Carl W. Veenstra, 2007

Modders - Wynand and Dirkje Modders, undated

Moerman - Louis Moerman. Descendants and Families of Louis Moerman

Moes - Herman Moes. - My Life: Herman Moes, 1890-1981

Mokma - John H. Mokma. The Descendants and Ancestors of John. H. Mokma, 2001

Mol - Cornelis Mol. - Family Record Group for Mol Family; The Cornelis Mol Family in America, by Joan deVries Verhey, 2009

Molesteegs - Aren Frans Molesteegs. The Molesteegs, Millers, Molestras, Meulestees, Molsters--From Southwest Islands of the Netherlands to New Jersey, Wisconsin, and Michigan, compiled by J. Koole, [2009]

Moltmaker - See: Hofman: Hofman, Moltmaker, and Hoorns-Spijkerman

Monsma - Johannes Oepkes Monsma. Family information

Morsink - The Morsink Family Tree, Lambert Morsink (1826-1901), [1979]; updates 1981, 1984

Mosselaar - Ida Rienkes Mosselaar, 1775-1855 by Paula Vander Hoven, 2005

Mouw - The Descendents of the Brothers Cornelius and Jan Mouw and of John van Roekel and John Korver, prepared by John L. Vinke, 1972

Mugge - Hermanus Mugge. Hermanus Mugge en Christina Freislich, Willem Kuijt en Susanne Haije [Dutch], undated

Mulder - See: Binnema

Mulder - Albert Hendriks Mulder. Parenteel van Albert Hendriks Mulder, compiled by Willem Kappe, 2010

Mulder - Harm Hilberts Mulder. Parenteel van Harm Hilberts Mulder, compiled by Willem Kappe, 2010

Mulder - Hendrik Mulder. Parenteel van Hendrik Mulder (1793), compiled by Willem Kappe, 2010

Mulder - Hendrik Jans Mulder. Parenteel van Hendrik Jans Mulder (Molenaar) (1733), compiled by Willem Kappe, 2010

Mulder - Hendrik Mulder. Parenteel van Hendrik Mulder (1754), compiled by Willem Kappe, 2010

Mulder - Jacob Mulder. Parenteel van Jacob Mulder, compiled by Willem Kappe, 2010

Mulder - Jan Hendriks Mulder. Parenteel van Jan Hendriks Mulder (1796), compiled by Willem Kappe, 2010

Mulder - Koert Derks Mulder. Mulder descendants

Muller - Genealogy of the Muller family, Huguenot from France, undated

Muyskens - Dirk Muyskens. - The family of Dirk Muyskens and Berendena Geurink, compiled by J. David Muyskens, 2006

Mys - Frederik Abelsz Mijts. Mys, Meis, Mijts Genealogy, compiled by Gladys Mys Van Tuinen, 2008

Nagelkerke - Ancestors of Kathleen Nagelkerke Morren, 2010

Nawyn - See: Dykenga: The Immigration and Americanization of Four Dutch Family Lines, by Paul J. Meeter: Albertus Nawyn, 1986

Newhof - See: Gerrit Tunnis Nieuwhof Genealogy

Nicolai - Descendants of Atze Nicolai from Franeker, Friesland, 1995

Nicalay - Rentz Nicolay. The Life of Rentz and Greitje Nicolay and Family, undated

Nieberg - Family Tree Nieberg, Nieuberg, Nuberg, undated

Nieboer - Harm Nieboer. A Family History by Pam Nieboer, 1980

Nieboer - Harm Harms Nieboer. The Nieboer Family Ancestry From The Netherlands to America, 1681-2009: God's Grace & Love in Every Generation, compiled by Harold E. Nieboer, 2009

Nieboer - H. H. Nieboer. Gods Zorg en Liefde, 1876, God's Care and Love as Evidenced in the Life of Harm Harms Nieboer, translation, 1985

Nieboer - Willem Nieboer. The Niebor Family Ancestory, 1681-2009

Niemeijer - Frans Niemeijer. Kroniek van het geslacht Niemeijer, 1971

Niemeijer - Jochem Niemeijer, Nemire/Niemeijer. Undated

Niemeijer - Pieter Niemeijer. Journal entry and other family information

Nienhuis - Descendants of Eildert Markus Nienhuis, 1776-1949

Nienhuis - Onne Nienhuis and Janna Boer. A Story of True Confession of a Busy House-wife Janna (Boer) Nienhuis, translated by Ralph Nienhouse, 1991

Nieuberg - See: Nieberg: Family Tree Nieberg, Nieuberg, Nuberg

Nieuwhof -Gerrit Tunnis Nieuwhof [Newhof]

Nijboer - Harmen Nijboer. Parenteel van Harmen Wolters Nijboer, compiled by Willem Kappe, 2010

Nijboer - Roelof Nijboer. Parenteel van Roelof Lamberts Nijboer, compiled by Willem Kappe, 2010

Nijkamp - Hendrik Nijkamp. Parenteel van Hendrik Jan Nijkamp, compiled by Willem Kappe, 2010

Nikkel - Jacobus Nikkel and Cornelia Nikkel. Family Record

Nikkel - Jacobus Nikkel. Nikkel Heirs. Descendants of Jacobus and Cornelia Nikkel via Henry and Bertha Nikkel, 1996, and other family information

Noom - See: (Manuscript, vert. file): Noom, CornelisOverslingeland, 1955

Noordeloos - Geschiedenis Van de Hoge en Vrije Heerlijkheden van Noordeloos en Overslingeland, 1955; Noordelooses born in Netherlands and the USA, undated; Norman Noordeloos Family Information

Noordewier - Jacob Noordewier. Marriage, births and deaths from Bible #1870, undated

Noordhof - Klaas Freeks Noordhof. Klaas Freeks and Hindrikje Lammerts Tuuk Noordhof, undated

Noteboom - Arie and Peter Noteboom. History and Genealogy of the Arie Noteboom Family, 1750-1986 (Vol 1) and Peter Noteboom-Groeneweg Family, 1858-1986 (Vol 2)

Nuberg - See: Nieberg: Family tree, Nieberg, Nieuberg, Nuberg

Nydam Jacob August Nydam - . Nydam Family History, The Descendants of Willem Willems de Oude [Nijdam] ancestor of Jacob August Nydam (1858-1938) of Grand Rapids, MI (including surnames of Feddema, Hokwerda, Katje, Nijdam, Nydam, Ronda, vander Meer, Vlietstra, Meidema), compiled by Lenore VandenBout Brashler, 2016

Nyland - Hendrick Nijland. Nyland Family Tree (Vol I and II) (as of 1995), compiled by Richard Nyland

Nyland - Nyland/Nijland Calendar (Living) 1996

Nyland - Nyland/Nijland Calendar (Living and Dead), 1996

Nymeyer - Nymeyer-Haeck Genealogy: More than Two Hundred Direct Ancestors by Frederick Nymeyer (Volume I - V), April 1974

Nymeyer - Barend Roelof Nymeyer. The Americanization of the Nymeyers, by Lisa Nymeyer, 1988

Oggel - Het Geslacht Oggel. The Family Oggel, by D. J. Oggel Jzn, [Dutch and English], 1979

Oldenhof - Gerrit Jan and Lamberta Oldenhof; Gerrit Jan Weenink and Alice Oldenhof. Oldenhof and Weenink Family History, by Johanna W. Weenink-Brouwer, 2009

Oldemans - See Brashler family history

Olthof - See: Wierenga: Klaas Wierenga. Branches - The Dutch Connection - The Wierenga and Olthof Families, undated

Olthoff - Jacob Kornellis Olthoff. An Olthoff Genealogy, 1986

Ondersma - Some of Pa's Memories: Recollections of Ralph Ondersma, 1886-1968

Ondersma - Rienk Ondersma. Genealogy of the descendants of Rienk Ondersma for Seven Generations, 1971

Ooms - Adam Ooms, undated

Oosse - See: Westdorp, Abraham

Oosterhuis - Jacob Ubeles Oosterhuis [Oosterhouse]. Descendants of Oosterhuis and Family Group information

Oostland - Albert Oostland. Family information of Albert Oostland. See also: Jonkheer, Minderhout, Lenhouts, Tibbets files.

Oppewal - Taeke Oppewal. A Family's History, by Cynthia L. Oppewal, 1980

Op't Holt - Johannes Op't Holt. Descendants of Johannes Op't Holt and his wife Geertje Eskes, plus some of his ancestors, compiled by J. U. Tuttle, 1996

Oranje - Oranje: Als Burgerlijke Familienaam Onder het Nederlandse Volk [Dutch], 2005

Orgers - Arij Orgers [Dutch], 1994

Orser - William and Mary Criag Orser.

Ossewaarde - Genealogie van Ossewaarde familie (Dutch), 1973

Paarlberg - Westfriese Geslachten Overzicht van de Familie Paarlberg, 1977 [Dutch]

Palma - Derk Palma. A Family History, by Susan Banister, 1986

Palma - Sybe Jans Palma (Pallema)

Pasma - History of the Pasma Family, by Andrew Pasma, undated

Pasma - Jan Pasma. Pasma Family Tree, compiled by John Koole, 2009

Pasma - Klaas and Klaaske Pasma. Roots and Branches (paper and cd); Writings of Henry K. Pasma, compiled by Orville Pasma

Pastoor - Corniel C. Pastoor. Origins article: The Pastoor Brothers, by Cornelius C. Pastoor, 1996

Pastoor - Pastoor Brothers' Market. See: Collection # 353

Pastoor - William Jans Pastoor. Family Group information, photographs

Peerbolte - Peter Peerbolte. The Genealogy and Family of Peter Peerbolte (1881-1960) and Annie Bottema (1885-1961), undated

Pelgrim - Hendrik Pelgrim. Family information

Pell - Meint Gabes. - The Pell Family Tree. Dutch - Pel: Perusing the Graphs, late 1600s-1992 (researched by Jan Pel) and American - Pell: Exploring the Branches, 1832-1992, researched and compiled by Ruth Pell Snoek

Pelleboer - Pelleboer Familieboek [Dutch], 1727 - 1977

Penninga - Eit Hendriks Penninga. Register Report, compiled Paul V. Pettinga, 2008

Perera - Albert Arthur Perera. See: Chosen to Serve, by Ananda Perera, 2006, fourth edition, [HERH BX 9616 .S72 C568]

Peterson - Berent Jacobs [Pietersen]. Peterson Family History, The Descendants of Berent Jacobs [Pietersen] ancestor of John B. Peterson of Grand Rapids, MI (including surnames of Beukema, Peterson, Pietersen, Visser, Werkhof, Wilkens, and Zuidema), compiled by Lenore VandenBout Brashler, 2016; Relative Ramblings, by one of the Peterson siblings, 1994 (also see Photo Collection, Peterson, Berent Family)

Petter - Jan Hendriks Petter. Parenteel van Jan Hendriks Petter, compiled by Willem Kappe, 2010

Pettinga - Gerbrandus Pettinga. Register Report, compiled by Paul Pettinga, 2008

Pettinga - See: The - Pettinga, Landaal, Baaij-Wensink, Leensvaart, Deur, Van Allsburg (interrelated) Genealogy compiled by Paul V. Pettinga, 2003. See also individual genealogies

Peuler - Jan Hendrik Peuler. The Peuler Family Tree, compiled by Raymond Peuler, undated

Pfanstiehl - Albertus A. Pfanstiehl (1855-1928). See: Vertical File

Pi‚tens - Klaas Pi‚tens. Family history paper, by Lorene Postma, 1980

Pieterse - Johannes Pieterse. - Stamboom Pieterse, by J. J. van Rijsbergen, 1995

Pietersen - Berend Pieterson. Roots III, by Mark Peterson, undated

Pietersen - See Peterson: Peterson Family History. The Descendants of Berent Jacobs [Pietersen], 2016

Pikaart - James Pikaart. Cultural Adaptation: A Case Study, by Jacquelyn Pikaart, 1986

Plasman - Frederick Plasman and Henrietta Brinkman Plasman. Dutch Background and History, Sailing, Settling in Michigan, and Family Geneology of the Plasman Family, compiled by Fannie Plasman Van Dyk, prepared by Loraine Teninga Plasman, 1974

Plekenpol - Pedigree Charts, compiled by Raymond J. Becker, undated

Pleune - Adriaan Pleune. The Genealogies of Adriaan Pleune, Martin Pleune, Jacobus Pleune, and Leonard Pleune, compiled by Ronald F. Pleune, Sr., undated

Ploeg - Harry Ploeg. Harry and Katie (Modderman) Ploeg Family Tree May, compiled by Forrest J. Fynewever, 1996

Ploeg - Ploeg/Vanderploeg Genealogy, 2007

Pluger - Hermanus Heinrich Pluger and Katrina Loweisen Kloek. Hermanus Heinrich Pluger Six Generations, by Angie Pluger Ploegstra, compiled 2020

Poest - Dirk Poest. Descendents of Dirk Poest, undated

Polman - Garrett Polman. Neede: History and Environment

Pontier - Willem Swerius Pontier, compiled by Gerardus Jacobus Pontier, undated

Poppen - Albert Poppen. Poppen Trails, A Family History, by Henrietta Carol Poppen Trenery, 1996

Post - Able Post. Records of the Post Family, 1986

Post - Adrian Post. Familie Post, compiled by Thomas Post, 1986

Post - Egbert P. Post. A Century in America 1867-1967: Egbert P. Post Family; The Post Family: A Brief Historical Sketch Given at the Family Reunion, 1931, by Egbert E. Post

Post - Hendrik Post. The Children of Margje Pelleboer and Hendrik Post, prepared by Henry R. Post, Jr. and Ann Marie Post, 1992

Postema - Ano Postema. Genealogical Record and Descendants of Ano and Marie Postema, compiled by Ernest Pranger, undated

Postma - Dirk Gerkes Postma. Groeten Uit Amerika (2), Emigranten uit Dantumadeel en Dongeradeel, by Kor Postma, [2008]

Pousma - Peter Pousma. The Family of Peter and Taetske Pousma, compiled by Wilbert and Elaine Van Dyk, 1996

Pranger - Gerrit Pranger. - Genealogical Record, Descendants: Gerrit and Catherine Pranger, Ernest Pranger, undated

Primus - Hildert Klassen Primus. Primus Descendants (Germany)

Prince - Prince (Prins) 1839-1965

Prince - Wesley Prince. Family Group Record and "Memories of Revered Wesley Prince"

Prins - See: Leep, Klaas and Clara Prins

Prins - Geert Alberts Prins. Parenteel van Geert Alberts Prins compiled by Willem Kappe, 2010

Prins - Klaas J. Prins. Klaas J. Prins - 1580-1965, by Edward Prins

Prins - Prins-Prince 1580-1966, by Edward Prins; Prins-Prince name index, [two folders], 1580-1986

Prins - See: Baerdt/Baarda

Pruiksma - Watze Pruiksma. The Watze and Aukje Pruiksma Family [Dutch and English], undated

Pruim - Pruim. Family information from emails, family history, and clipping.

Pyl(e) - Hendrik Pyl(e) and Pieternella Smalligange. Family Group information

Raak - See: Geert Harms: Biographical notes and genealogy of the Geert Harms and Grietje Raak Family, undated, with name index

Raak - Geert Harms Raak. Parenteel van Geert Harms Raak, compiled by Willem Kappe, 2010

Raak - Geert Harm Raak. The Raak Family, 1690-1984, compiled by Ron Buursma, 1984

Ramerman - Allan Ramerman. It All Began in Lynden, undated

Ratering - Harm Gerrits Ratering. Ratering-Raterink Genealogie, 1999

Rateink - See: Ratering-Raterink Genealogie, 1999

Redder - Klaas Redder. Parenteel van Klaas Redder, compiled by Willem Kappe, 2010

Reedyk - Leendert and Marijntje Hordyk Reedyk. Reedyk Roots, by Jacob Reedyk, 1983

Reedyk - Leendert Reedyk. The Reedyk Family Roots, by Loraine Janice Reedyk, 1986

Reidsema - Jan M. Reidsema. - The Jan Martens Reidsema Family Register - 1847 Pioneer of Holland, MI, compiled by Irene Vander Meulen Reidsma, 1978

Reidsma - Irene Van Der Meulen (Russell). Nomination letters for Lucy Mary Kellogg Award. List of publications, compiled 2007

Reinders - John Reinders. Fiftieth Anniversary, 1891-1941

Reitenga - Jakob Jans Reitenga. Reitenga Family, updated 2009

Reitses - Descendants of Reitses/Dijkstra. See Dijkstra

Reitsma - Sjoerd Reitsma. Sjoerd Becomes Charlie, by Randy Reitsma, 1986

Reitsma - Eke Reitsma and Jacob Wiersma. - Ynse Andries Reitsma Family Tree, 2009

Remmelts - Remmelt Remmelts. Parenteel van Remmelt Remmelts, compiled by Willem Kappe, 2010

Renzema - Durk Harm Renzema. Genealogy of Durk Harms Renzema, undated

Rhoda - See: Rooda (Rhoda), compiled by Arlene Brummel Rhoda

Ribbens - Huibrecht Ribbens. American Descendants of Huibrecht Ribbens VIII [English], undated

Ribbens - Ribbens Kroniek, [Dutch] 1992 - 2000

Riddering - Albert Lanning Riddering: A Pioneer of Drenthe, Michigan, 1841-1895, by Donald Ridderingk, 1991; Gelukwensen voor Nieuwjaarsdag - A New Year's Poem, written by Albert Lanning Riddering, 1862, translated by Donald Riddering, 1988

Riddering - Grietje Pieters Riddering. Elze Jans and Grietje Pieters Riddering, undated

Riddering - Jan Riddering. An Appreciation of His Life on the Bi-centennial of His Birth, by Donald Riddering [Dutch and English], 1988

Riedstra - Albert and Tjietske [Tijetske] Riedstra, Albert Riedstra Family History, undated

Riemersma - Gerrit Hendricks Riemersma. The Riemersma Genealogy, by Linda Wilson, 2001

Riemersma - Sake (Jake) Riemersma. Family information. (Taken from Otto G. Van Dyk Genealogy)

Riepena - Fohke Riepena. Citizenship Paper, 1884

Riepma - Sears F. Riepma. My Ancestry, Life, and Ministry, by Rev. Sears F. Riepma, 1979

Riesdorp - See: Rijsdorp: Stamboom van het geslacht "Rijsdorp" (Dutch and English)

Rietema - De Marne: Rietema (Dutch), 1970

Rietveld - Arie Rietveld. The Rietveld Family, undated

Rijsdorp - Stamboom van het geslacht "Rijsdorp" (Dutch and English), undated

Ringo - Chart of the Ringo Family, undated

Risselada - Johan Risselada. His Family and Paternal Ancestors, 1580-1964, by Edward Prins, 1964

Risselada - See: Baerdt/Baarda

Ritsema - Eepe Ritsema. The Descendants of Eepe Ritsema and Elisabeth Godefridi 1967; A translation of De Nakomelingen van Eepea Ritsema and Elisabeth Godefridi, written by P.J. Ritsema, 1967, translated by Rev. Haverkamp and John J. Ritsema, 1984

Ritsema - Eepe Ritsema. The Ritsema Family, by Cam Ritsema, 1986

Ritsema - History of the Ritsemas and Ritzemas, by Fred Ritsema, revised yearly, 1997-2020

Ritsema - Fred Ritsema. Inidividual Heritage Chart of Longstreet, Vandenberg, and Heyboer, by Fred Ritsema, 1998-2001 (also see Photograph Collection - Fred Ritsema)

Ritzema - Meerten Ritzema. - Ritzema Family. (Derk, 1861-1922 and Meerten, 1865-1915), undated

Robbert - See: Beuker: Beuker-Robbert Families

Roelofs - Derk Roelofs. Parenteel van Derk Roelofs, compiled by Willem Kappe, 2010

Roelofs - Goerge Roelofs. The Life of a Dutch American George Roelofs of Zwolle, Netherlands and Grand Rapids, Michigan: His ancestry, life and descendants, by Cora Helen Roelofs Verbrugge, 1994

Roelofs - Jan and Femmigje Roelofs. See The Mast Descendants, by Richard Harms

Roelfsema - See: Jongsma

Rolffs - Dick Rolffs and Minnie Jensen. And Two Became One, a Story of Two Dutch Family's, written by Dorothy Vos, 2016

Rolffs - Hendrik Luldolf Rolffs. Genealogy and Family History of Hendrik Ludolf Rolffs, compiled by Dorothy A. Vos, 1983

Romkema - Jan and Gepke Baukes Dijkstra Romkema. Marriage certificate [Dutch, with translation], undated

Roo - Egbert Jans Roo. Parenteel van Egbert Jans Roo, compiled by Willem Kappe, 2010

Rooda - Rooda (Rhoda). Rooda family genealogy. Compiled by Arlene Brummel Rhoda, undated

Rooks - Gerrit Hendrik Rooks. The Gerrit Hendrik Rooks Family History, compiled by Russell Rooks and assisted by Gerrit J. Rooks, undated

Roon - Peter Roon. Peter Roon Family History, and Maggie Dertien, undated

Roorda - Epke Alberts Roorda. Groeten Uit Amerika (9), Emigranten uit Dantumadeel en Dongeradeel, by Kor Postma, [2008]

Roorda-Keizer - Roorda. - Het Roorda-Keizer Boek, compiled by K.J. Bosma and R.S. Roorda, 1955

Roosevelt - Claes Martenszen van Rosenvelt. The Roosevelt Family in America: A Genealogy; three issues of the Theodore Roosevelt Association, by John Allen Gable, 1990

Roosma - James Roosma. My Family History, by Harvey Roosma, 1980

Roossien - Elmer J. Roossien. Genealogical Chart; other information, undated

Rop - Jacob Rop. Rop Family History, by Tressa M. LaFayette, 1980

Rot - Meinderts Menne Rot. Descendants of Meindert Mennes (Rot), compiled by Carl Veenstra, 2007

Rottier - See: Huisjen, David R: Marinus Rottier

Rottschafer - Johan Henrich Rothschaffer. - Collection of Documents Concerning the European Roots of the today Rottschafer-Families in USA, collected by Ulrich Rottschafer, 1994

Rouveen - Harm Rouveen. Parenteel van Harm Arends Rouveen, compiled by Willem Kappe, 2010

Rouwhorst - Roelof Rouwhorst. Parenteel van Roelof Rouwhorst, compiled by Willem Kappe, 2010

Rozeboom - Jan Rozeboom. Genealogy of Jan Rozeboom 1775-1977, Bert Kempers, 1977

Rozeboom - John Rozeboom. Genealogy of John Rozeboom, 1840-1950,

Rozendal - Govert Rozendal. Family information. Also see: Tribble Genealogy, page 735

Rozendal - Dirk Jarigs Rozendal. Rozendal Family History, by John Keith Rozendal, 1970

Rozendal - The Rozendal Family History, compiled by Hendrine (Rozendal) Kleinjan, 1984

Rozendal - See: Hanenburg and Rozendal: A Family History

Rubing(h) - John Rubingh. Annals of the John Rubingh Family, 1845-1982

Rudenga - William Rudenga. The Rudenga Family: Dutch-American History, by Russ Rudenga, 1980

Ruis - Herman Ruis. - Ruis Family Historical Documents plus Genealogy, - Ruis Family Tree, including three CDs by Bob Ruis, 2006

Ruiter - Tamme E. Ruiter. Mike Ruiter's Father's Family Early History, 1994

Ruiter - Saga of the Old Homestead, undated

Rus - Pieter Rus. - Genealogy of the Family Rus, by H. and A.B. de Vries-Doyle, [Dutch] 2005

Rus - Pieter Rus. The Pieter Rus Family, prepared for the 1981 family reunion, by John W. Kuipers, 1981

Rus - Pieter Rus. The Rus Family Reunion [Family Group Sheets], compiled by Marjorie Rus, 1998

Ryskamp - Kornelius Ryskamp. The Origin of the Ryskamp Families, compiled by Paul Pettinga, 2008


Sall - Karen and Bill Sall Family. "Marquette Neighbors," May 2017.

Sandifort - Eduard Sandifort(h). - Family Tree, 2009

Sandifort - Jacob Sandifort. Ancestry information, 2006

Sandifort - Sandifort, Santeford, Sandford and Zeilinga Families. Pedigree chart

Schaaf - Pieter Sjoerd Schaaf. Family information, 2009

Schaafsma - Johannes Harmens Schaafsma (1807-1894). Family tree and other information

Schaalma - See: Torringa: Een oud Ommelander geslacht (Dutch)

Schaap - Otto Schaap. Schaap Family ancestry information, nd

Schaap - Jan Schaap. Outline of the Descendants of Jan Schaap, undated

Schaapman - John [Johannes] Schaapman. The History of the John Schaapman Family Traced Back to the Netherlands, undated; Schaapman Family Photos and Records, undated

Schans - Marten Schans. Brief History of the Marten Jans Schans and Grietje (Klok) Schans Family and Genealogy of their Descendants, undated: Martin Schans & Grace Klok, CRC Church Planters, October 2014

Schelling - Lambert Schelling. Descendants and families of Lambrechtt Schelling

Schemper - Harm Shemper (1827-1899). Patriarch of one Dutch-American family; and A Genealogical Chart of the Schemper Family,1640-2000, by Lloyd Mark Young

Schemper - Harm Alberts Schemper. Parenteel van Harm Alberts Schemper, compiled by Willem Kappe, 2010

Schemper - Lambert Alberts Schemper. Parenteel van Lambert Alberts Schemper, compiled by Willem Kappe, 2010

Schepers - Roelof Jakob Schepers. Stamreeks Schepers (Dutch), undated

Schieven - See: Van Zandt

Schilleman - Christian Daniel Schilleman. In Den Vreemde (genealogy), 1993

Schimmel/Hoesen Family - Martinus Christian Hoesen. Gysbert Schimmel. Memorable Images, 1740-1994

Schimmel, John - John Schimmel Memoirs, 1740-1997

Schoenmaker - Harn Hendrik Schoenmaker. Parenteel van Harm Hendrik Schoenmaker, compiled by Willem Kappe, 2010

Scholte - Evert Scholte and Fenne Lammers. Untitled Genealogy, compiled by Shirley Heyboer Veltema, undated.

Scholte - Hendrik Pieters Scholte. Groeten Uit Amerika (6), Emigranten uit Dantumadeel en Dongeradeel, by Kor Postma, [2008]

Scholte - Hendrik Scholte. De Club van Scholte [membership]

Scholten - Lambertus Scholten. History of the Scholten Family, by Lambertus B. Scholten, undated

Scholten - Sander and Marie Scholte. "The Scholten's became part of the New Brunswick community." De Nederlandse Courant. November 18, 1995, pg 17.

Scholten - See: Kraker

Scholtens - Hendrick Scholtens. A Product of the Past, by Tenda Palsrok, 1986 undated

Scholtens - Siebelt Scholtens. Family information for Siebelt and Hendrikje Scholtens, compiled by Robert Swierenga, 2001. See also: Dutch Chicago, page 558, by Robert Swierenga

Schoolland - J.B. and Trintjie Scholland. The Schoolland Family Tree, 1995

Schoolland - Pieternella (Heyboer) De Witte Schoolland. Our Mother, Mrs. Klaas Schoolland, 1859-1931, by Marian Schoolland, 1983

Schoolland - Living and Striving: the emerging pattern of my life, by J.B. Schoolland. See: [HERH CT275.S35 A3 1999]

Schoon - Cornells Schoo. Schoon Family Tree, undated

Schra - Jan Schra Schra. Jacob Schra. Parenteel van Jacob Schra and Parenteel Jan Schra Schra, compiled by Willem Kappe, 2010

Schreur [Schroer] - Gerd Schroer. Descendants of Gerd Schroer, updated 2013

Schrotenboer - Johannes Schrotenboer. The Johannes Schrotenboer Descendents, undated

Schruers - John Henry Schruers. - A Bit of Family History: A Brief Account of John Henry Schruers and Jana Oonk Schruers and their Descendants, 1898

Schuiling - Het Schuilingboek, supplement, [Dutch], 1974

Schuitema - Lieuwe Schuitema. Lieuwe Kermeis Schuitema and Itje Folkets vander Spa [genealogy], researched and compiled by Arlene Brummel Rhoda, undated

Schut - Lambert Schut. - Descendants of Lambert and Gertrude VanKlompenberg Schut, 1996

Schut - Peter Schut. - Descendants of Peter Schut I, 1800-2000

Seinen - Jan Jansen Seinen. Parenteel van Jan Jansen Seinen, compiled by Willem Kappe, 2010

Semeijn - Family record [Dutch], undated

Shaarda - See: Sjaarda

Shoemaker - Nicholas Shoemaker. History of the Shoemakers, by Klaas Shoemaker, undated

Shoemaker - See: Sprik, Gerrit Jan: Lambertus Shoemaker

Siebenga - Siebe Siebenga. A Place of Our Own, undated

Siemens - William Siemens. Dear Ones, by Dorothy R. Primus, 1977

Sieplinga - Hermannus Sieplinga. The Family History of Hermannus Sieplinga and Jaapke Vander Leest, including the family of Hermannus' first wife, Tietje Wiersum, 1991

Sijmens - Claas Sijmens (Volbeda). Descendants of Claas Sijmens, compiled by Carl Veenstra, 2007

Sikkema - Henry Sikkema. Sikkema Family Tree, 1970

Sikkenga - Jan Sickes. Sikkenga Family Genealogy, by Tressa M. La Fayette, 1996

Sikma - Kornelis Jacobs Sikma. Descendants of Kornelis Sikma, undated

Sikma - Sjoerd Jacob Sikma. Descendants of Sjoerd Jacob Sikma, compiled by Marlene Post, 2007

Sinke - Dingenis Sinke. Jesus Led Me All The Way: The Life Story of Helena Cornelia Sinke Snoek, 1900-1997, by Ruth Pell Snoek,

Sipma - Ritske Aukes Sipma & Sipke Aukes Sipma. Groeten Uit Amerika (11), Emigranten uit Dantumadeel en Dongeradeel, by Kor Postma, [2008]

Sipma - Sjoerd Aukes Sipma. Groeten Uit Amerika (7), Emigranten uit Dantumadeel en Dongeradeel, by Kor Postma, [2008]

Sjaarda - Sicco Syarda. Sjaarda: Previously known as Ziarda, Zyarda, Siarda, Syaerda, Sjaerda and Sjerda, 1996

Sjaardema - Douwe Sjaardema. Residents or Strangers: The Sjaardema Story, by Randy Engle, undated

Sjaerdema - Edwert Sjaerdemas's Erfenis: van Prebende tot Stichting, by Herman Hazelhoff, 1993

Sjarda - See: Sjaarda

Slager - Evert Reinders Slager. Parenteel van Evert Reinders Slager, compiled by Willem Kappe, 2010

Slager - Jakob Slager. My Dutch Roots, by Kathleen Struck, 1986

Slager - Willem Geerts Slager. Parenteel van Willem Geerts Slager, compiled by Willem Kappe, 2010

Slenk - Jan Hindrik Slenk. To the Third and Fourth Generation, A Slenk Genealogy: The Descendants of Jan Hindrik Slenk and Hindrikin and Altien Hartger, 1991

Slenk - Jan Hindrik Slenk. Slenk Family Group Record, 1969

Sleyster - Roelof Sleyster. History of the Sleyster Family, by Aaron Sleyster, undated

Slofstra - Aukje Slofstra death notice (Dutch), 1956

Slofstra - On the Move: The Slofstra Story, by Lammert Slofstra, 1993; and Still Moving On: A Sequel to On the Move, 2008. See: [HERH BX6843.S56 A3]; and a death announcement

Slot - Jacob Jans Slot. Groeten Uit Amerika (5), Emigranten uit Dantumadeel en Dongeradeel, by Kor Postma, [2008]

Slotemaker - Cornelis Slotemaker. The Slotemaker Story, by Henry Slotemaker, 1976

Slotman - Lefert Slotman. Slotman Supplement, 1700-1977 (Dutch and English)

Sluis - Simon Sluis (1854-1994). The Westfrisian Family Sluis, and other family information, researched by Simon J. Sluis, Tiny Smeehuijzen, and Johannes Kwakkernaat, 1995

Sluiter - See: Baerdt/Baarda

Sluiter - Simon K. Sluiter. Simon K. Sluiter, by Edward Prins, 1580-1964

Smallegan(ge) - Dirk Smallegan(ge) and Neeltje Vander Slik. Family Group information

Smallegange - Jan Smallegange and Jannetje Kloosterman.

Smedes - Harmen Ottes and Aaltje Jochums (ancestral parents). Genealogy of the Smedes Family, 1960, compiled by C. Wallast, translated by Dr. Walter Lagervey, 1995

Smedes - Melle Smedes. - Family Record Sheet, by Paul Trap, 2009

Smit - Cornelis and Geeske Oosting Smit. Family Information and correspondence, undated

Smit - Jan Willems Smit. Descendants of Jan Willems Smit, [2007?]

Smit - Klaas Smit. Family Information [Dutch], undated

Smit - Roelf Smit. The Pioneer Minister at Drenthe [MI], by Dr. Brouwer

Smith - Henry Smith. A Family History - Henry Smith, born Henderikus Smid: A Goodly Heritage, 1985

Snel - See: De Waal Malefyt Family History, 1991 and 1995

Snikkers - Gijem Snikkers. - Gijem Life Story, by Annette Poelstra Yff, 2007

Solle - Edward Solle. The Solle Story, Ancestors and Descendants of Edward Solle (1890-1976) and Grace Scholtens Solle (1894-1974), 1995; Addendums, 1999-2012

Solle - See: Jongsma

Spanninga - Cornelius Spanninga. Family Tree Chart, undated

Speet - Gerrit Jan Speet. Speet Genealogy, 1730-1984, by Ron Buursma, 1984

Speyer - Marienus Speyer.

Spiering - Willem Adrianus and Adriaantje Kersten Spiering. Family information, undated

Spijkerman - Egbert Geerts Spijkerman. Parenteel van Egbert Geerts Spijkerman, compiled by Willem Kappe, 2010

Spitsbergen - Jan Hendrik Spitsbergen. Just One Son: a Spitsbergen Family Record, 1706-1986, by Rosalie Joan Spitsbergen-Brown, 1986

Spoelhof - Charles Spoelhof. Dominie: Personal Reflections on the Life of Rev. Charles Spoelhof and his wife Elizabeth Keegstra Spoelhof, [1989]

Spoelhof - William Reins Spoelhof. Stamreeks van Hendrikje Spoelhof, compiled by Willem van Brummelen, undated; corrections and correspondence, 1988; and photographs from William Spoelhof: The Early Years, [2006]

Spoelhof - William Spoelhof and Angeline Nydam. Spoelhof/Nydam Ancestors, 2009

Spoelstra - Sporen in de tijd stamboom van het geslacht Spoelstra uit Augustinusga (Dutch), 1994

Spranger - Cornelius Spranger. Spranger's Family Tree, compiled by Rt. Rev. Msgr. John J. Sprangers, 1958

Sprietsma - Lucas Jacobs Sprietsma. The Sprietsma Family of Friesland, Netherlands, 1993

Sprik - Evert Sprik. As Time Goes By: The Sprik Family, 1760-1984, by Barbara S. Sprik

Sprik - Gerrit Jan and Adrianna Lepeltak. Sprik Family History, 1830-1962, compiled by Gerrit John Meengs and John Meengs, edited by Ellen Sprik, Drenthe Michigan

Sprik - Jan Sprik and Willemina Waanders. Sprik Family History & Genealogy, 1847-2010. By Shirley Heyboer Veltema.

Sprik - Willem Hendrik Sprik. Descendants of Willem Hendrik Sprik, compiled by Carl Veenstra, 2007

Spronk - Hendrik Spronk. Spronk Roots and Branches: Our Heritage from Olderbroek, Gelderland, Doornspijk, Edgerton, Michigan, undated

Staal - Arent Staal. Staal, Stahl Genealogy, compiled by Gladys Mys Van Tuinen, 2008

Stadt - Thys Stadt. Family Group Information

Stander - Adrianus Stander. Bible and family information [Dutch], undated

Stapert - Milo J. Stapert (1879-1957). See: Manuscript Collection #242

Steen - Lambert Steen. The Household of Lambert and Carrie Steen, by John L. Steen and Barney Steen, 1999

Steensma - Julianna Flietstra Steensma. - Around the World in 80 Years: The Autobiography of Julianna Flietsra Steensma, Muskegon, Korea, undated

Steenwijk - Klaas Luijes Steenwijk. Luije Klasen en zijn nazaten, Het wel en wee van 11 Generaties van de Familie Steenwijk/Steenwyk in Noord-Nederland en Noord-Amerika, [Dutch], 1999

Steenwyk - Nickolas B. Steenwyk. - Descendants of Nickolas B. Steenwyk and Hattie Smit, 1995

Steffens - Jan Steffens. Parenteel van Jan Steffens, compiled by Willem Kappe, 2010

Stegeman - Mannes Stegeman. Family Group Record, and a brief history, written by James A. Stegeman, 1924

Stegenga - Borias Herres Steigenga and Saakje Buisman family and descendants. 1815-1889

Stegenga - Siebolt Stegenga. Family Tree of Siebolt Stegenga, 125 Years in America, 1847-1972

Steginga - Herman J. Steginga. - Family Group Information

Stiegenga - Boreas Herres Steigenga. Family and Descendants, 1815-1889

Steketee - Cornelis Andries Steketee. Steketee family information [Cornelis born 1764], compiled by Helen Martz and Arthur Frederick Steketee, 1984

Steketee - Cornelis C. Steketee. Cornelis Stekete [born 1848]- Lammigje Bos Genealogy, undated

Steketee - Cornelis C. Steketee. Record of Ancestors, Descendants of Cornelis C. Steketee [Cornelis born 1801], 1928

Steketee - Jan Steketee. - The House of Steketee, by Jennie Steketee Freyling, 1962, with index

Steketee - Paulus Steketee (born 1834). From Bible #1864, undated

Steketee - See: Westing: Genealogy of the Westing and Steketee and Manting (Mantingh) Families of Holland

Sterken - Andries Hendriks Sterken. Parenteel van Andries Hendriks Sterken, compiled by Willem Kappe, 2010

Sterken - Berend Sterken. Sterkens Reunie, July 13, 1985, Starken' Boerderij (Homestead) 1895-1985, 1985

Stevens - Jan Hinderik Stevens. See: One of Ten: Growing up Dutch-American, by Albert K. Stevens, edited by Mary Hathaway, 1996. See: [HERH CS71 .S74]

Stielstra - Nicholas Stielstra. The Stielstra Family, 1880-1995 (reunion), 1995

Stienstra - See: de Waal Malefyt, Vol. 2

Stijfhoorn - See: Torringa: Een oud Ommelander geslacht (Dutch)

Stob - Henry J. Stob. Stob Family Line

Stob - Henry Stob and Anna (Stob) Veltman. The Life Histories of Henry Stob and Anna (Stob) Veltman, May 1986

Stoepker - Pieter P Stoepker. Six Generations Stoepker: A Family from the Marne (Groningen, Netherlands), by J. Roelfsema, 2007

Stoepker - Pieter Pieters Stoepker. Descendants of Pieter Pieters Stoepker and Reijne Everts, then married to Grietje Pieters (Freerks), undated

Stoepker - See: Deckinga: The Familes of Otto Deckinga and Marie Jager; see also: Boijckema and Rijpkes; Bruins and Peters; and Mennes and Westerloo

Stoutjesdijk - J.F. Stoutjesdijk. Stoutjesdijk Emigranten en in het Buitenland Wonenden by J.F. Stoutjesdijk, 1991

Strieter - Jerg Strieter. Descendants of Jerg Streiter, compiled by Carl Veenstra, 2007

Strikwerda - Jacob Ulbes Strikwerda. Gedenkboek van Jacob Ulbes Strikwerda, 1958

Strikwerda - Tjeerd Strikwerda. To my Children, Grandchildren and Great-grandchildren. MyStory, undated

Struijck - Wouter Struijck. Descendants and families of Wouter Struijck

Stuit - Albert and Tietje Berrelkamp Stuit. Stuit - A Family History, by Henk Bousema, 1996

Sturrus - Marinus Sturrus. My Family History, by Cindy Sturrus, 1980

Stuursma - Jan J. Stuursma. J.J. Stuursma - A Biography, by J. P. Dahm, 1991

Swets - See: De Graaf: Family History by Julie De Graaf

Swets - Hendrik Swets and Teunis Swets (Dutch and English). Swets Family Tree, ship passenger list, and correspondence, undated

Swets - See: Brashler Family History

Swierenga - Robert Swierenga. A Sketch of Robert and Grace Swierenga's Life in Chicago, by Robert Swierenga, 1987

Swieringa - Gerard Swieringa. The Ancestors, Life, and Descendants of Gerard Swieringa: from Groningen, Netherlands to Midwest USA, by Judy Hoffman, 1984

Swierenga - Jan Swierenga. - Swierenga/Swieringa - Family Genealogy and History, 2003

Sybesma - Willem Sybesma. A Family of Mennonite Origins, compiled by John Koole, 2009

Syswerda - Hendrik and Tiettje Meinsma (Sijswerd) Syswerda. The History and Genealogy of the Syswerda Family 1852 - 1994

Tack - Abraham Janse Tack. - De Zeeuwse Familie Tack, Tak, De Maret Tak, 1562-2000, by P. D. Tack and H. J. Plankeel, 2004

Tack - Leon Tack. Family of Leon and Mable Tack, by Phyllis Tack, 2000

Tadema - Wybe Sjoukes Tadema. Tadema from Oostermeer [Friesland] Family Tree, 1600-1992, compiled by K. Terpstrak, 1990

Takken - Evert Takken. Takken Family Group Genealogy, [not complete], 2012

Talen - Clare Talen. 60th Wedding Anniversary, January 17, 1983, Ann and Clare Talen, Menomonie, WI, by Gerald August Talen, 1983

Talen - Jan HarmsTalen. Parenteel van Jan Harms Talen, compiled by Willem Kappe, 2010

Tammenga - Karsien Tammenga. Various family information, 1990

Tammes - Ottee Tammes. - Descendants of Otte Tammes, 2004

Tamminga - Karsen Ytzens Tamminga. Embarkings: the Netherlandic Years, 1930-1951, by Lieuwe (Louis) Meiles Tamminga, 2007

Tanis - Aart Tanis-Elizabeth Hameetman Tanis. Family Group Information. Ouddorp, South Holland, Netherlands, undated

Tanis - Johannes Tanis. Family Group Information, undated

Tanis - See: de Waal Malefyt, Vol. 1

Tanis - See: Ulberg/Verhage Genealogy

Tans - See: Van Doornes of Grand Haven, MI

Tebeest - Johann TeBeest. The Tebeest Family Directory, Iowa, South Dakota, Michigan, 1984, 1987, 1990

Teernstra - Haring Jans Teernstra. Parenteel van Haring Jans Teernstra, compiled by Wietze en Rinkje Teernstra, 2004

Telegenhof - See: Hulst

Telegenhof - John Telegenhof. - John and Johanna Telegenhof travel account, 1905

Ten Brink - See: Drenth, Geslachts register Drenth-Ten Brink-Tijmes-Timmerman by T. Drenth [Dutch], undated

Ten Buke - Gerrit Ten Buke. Descendants of Gerrit Ten Buke. Compiled by Dick Harms, Jan 2017

Ten Cate - Jan Herman Ten Cate. Descendants of Jan Herman Ten Cate and Johanna Knippenberg: Seven Generations, 1768-1982

Teninga - Arjen Harmannus Teninga. Family Group Sheets, South Holland, Illinois, undated

Ten Harmsel - See: Vander Lugt, Maarten: John Ten Harmsel

Ten Have - John Ten Have. Family information. (Taken from genealogy of Otto G. Van Dyk)

Ten Hoor - Frederick ten Hoor (1893-1980). See Manuscript Collection #255

Ter Horst - See: Geels genealogy

Ter Weer - Lippe Roelfs ter Weer. Parenteel van Anje Lippes ter Weer

Te Selle - The Te Selle History, by Norma Te Selle Prophet, 1989

Teune - Johannus Teune. Johannus and Grace Lanega Teune in Netherlands, Bedum, Groningen, Chicago, 1998

Theule - Cornelis Theule. Four Generation Pedigree Chart; My Life Story, by Grada Teule Vander Ploeg

Tibbets - Henry Tibbets. George Shreckengust and Sarepta. Family Group information.

Tiedt - See: Jerg Strieter: William Frederick Tiedt family

Tien - Harm Tien. A Biographical Sketch of Harm Tien and his Wife, Alie Tien, nee Egberts, 1950

Tiesma - Gosse Tiesma. The Tiesma Migration, May 1951, containing The Travel Journal of Gosse Tiesma, translated by Art Tiesma, 2001

Tijmes - See: Drenth, Geslachts register Drenth-Ten Brink-Tijmes-Timmerman by T. Drenth (Dutch), undated

Tilma - See: Boogaard

Timmerman - See: Drenth, Geslachts register Drenth-Ten Brink-Tijmes-Timmerman by T. Drenth (Dutch), undated

Timmerman - Through a Glass Lightly, by John J. Timmerman, see: [HERH CT275.T644 A3 1987]

Timmerman - Koob Sijmons Timmerman. Parenteel van Koob Sijmons of Simons Timmerman, compiled by Willem Kappe, 2010

Tinholt - Lambert Tinholt. Descendents of Lambert and Lucas Tinholt, Graafschap, Michigan, undated

Tippe - Jan Tippe. Parenteel van Jan Thijs Tippe, compiled by Willem Kappe, 2010

Tjepkema - Andrew Tjepkema - Reunion 1995 Tjepkema (Zeeland and Holland MI), 1995

Tjoelker - The History of the Tjoelker Family

Tolsma - See: de Waal Malefyt, Vol. 2

Tolsma - See: Miedema Family History

Ton - Jan Ton. Fiftieth Annual Reunion of the Ton Family, Chicago, 1945

Ton - i>John Ton Family History, 1896-1955 [vault - 1 microfilm reel]. Family Records, Reunion Programs, Photos, and Biographical data (Originals in the Chicago Public Library - Pullman Branch)

Torringa - Albert Hendricks up die torne. Een oud Ommelander geslacht (Dutch), by W. Westra

Trap - Jan Trap. - The Family of Jan Trap, compiled by Paul Trap, 2009

Treur - Jacob Treur. The Story of the Treur Family in Kalamazoo, MI, by Kevin Treur, 2010

Tribble - Peter Tribble. The Tribble Family II with Addendum, compiled by Keith Rozendal

Trompen - See: Gerrit J. Van Zoeren

Troost - Egbert Troost. Parenteel van Egbert Troost, compiled by Willem Kappe, 2010

Troost - Hendrik Troost. Parenteel van Hendrik Klaas Troost, compiled by Willem Kappe, 2010

Tukker - Tukker Family Genealogy, from family Bible, undated

Tysse - Klaas Tysse. Tysse/Tyssen Family Tree, Zaandam, Netherlands, undated

Ulberg - Yde Ulberg. Family Record Group and various other family information, undated [2 folders], see Verhage


Valk - See: Valkema

Valkema - Valck Wolters. Valk, de Valk, Valkema (Dutch) 16 Generaties Nakomelingen Van Valck Wolters, undated

Van Allsburg - Aart Corneliuszn Van Allsburg. - Register Report, compiled by Paul V. Pettinga, 2008

Van Andel - James Van Andel: An Anecdotal Life History, autobiography dictated by James Van Andel, edited by Jay Van Andel, undated

Van Anrooy - Johan Frederick Van Anrooy. Family picture with family information, 1897

Van Arendonk-Haga - Meerten van Arendonk and Hendrik Haga. The Van Arendonk-Haga Story: A Family History, 1600-1972, by Nellie Schryvers Seegrist, 1973, plus additions, 1975

Van Bijssum - John Van Bijssum. Van Bijssum Family, by Eva Gronseth, undated

Van Boven - Hendrik van Boven. Parenteel van Hendrik Gerrits van Boven, compiled by Willem Kappe, 2010

Van Bruggen - Jacob Van Bruggen. Van Bruggen Family Story, by Samuel Van Bruggen, 1979

Van Coevering - Johnanes Van De Koeverring. Family History, extracted from "Old Family Bible" by Jack (Jan Adrianus) Van Coevering, translated by Gerrit Nicholaas Van Coevering, 1978

Van Dam - Jacobus Van Dam. The Family of Jacobus and Johanna Van Dam, compiled by Alfred Van Dam, Medicine Hat and Redcliff, Alberta, Canada 1995

Van Dam - Jan van Dam. Jan Van Dam (1801-1864) and Geesje Meinders (1801-1875), by Donald Riddering, 1993, Drenthe, Overijssel

Van Dam - Jan Van Dam. - The Van Dam Family, Homestead and Cemetery Jan Van Dam (1839-1904) and Jantje Visscher (1840-1918), compiled by Sandra Van Dam Anderson and Carolyn Van Dam Kiekover, 2008

Van Dam - Lammert Van Dam. A Genealogical Study of Lammert and Frederika Van Dam Family in America and Lammert's Roots in the Netherlands, by Anne and Andrian Trimpe, Timber Pines, FL, 1987

Van Dam - Wouter Van Dam and Teunisje Van Dijk. Parenteel van Wouter van Dam, undated

Vande Kieft - Jan Vande Kieft. Family story of Jan and Janetje Vande Kieft, by Joel Vande Kieft, 1980

Van de Kolk - Lefert van de Kolk. Parenteel van Lefert van de Kolk, compiled by Willem Kappe, 2010

Van Dellen - Alfred Van Dellen. Story of Alfred Van Dellen, compiled by George D. Cooper, undated

Van Dellen - Jurjen Van Dellen. Pedigree Charts, and obituary for Jurien Van Dellen, compiled by Marsha Greenwood, Noordhorn, Grand Rapids, Michigan, undated

Van Dellen - Tjeerd Lubberts Van Dellen. Overzicht der Nakomelingen van Tjeerd Lubberts Van Dellen en Sijke Rogehus, (Dutch and English), 1916 and 1926 editions by Dr. R. van Dellen, Ulrum, and 1992 edition by R. T. van Dellen, Dordrecht

Van de Luyster - Jannes Van De Luyster [Dutch], by J. A. Klompe, undated. See also: Life and Times of Jannes Van de Luyster: Founder of Zeeland, Michigan, by Henry Beets, translated by Nelson Van de Luyster. See: [HERH F574 .Z4 B4413]

Vandenberg - Dingeman Vandenberg. - Looking Back, by Marilyn Bulgarella, undated

Vandenberg - Hendrik Vandenberg. Marriage license of Hendrick Vandenberg and Lammigje Ratering, 1861

Vanden Berg - Johannes Vanden Berg. Vanden Berg Genealogy, researched and compiled by Arlene Brummel Rhoda, undated,

Van den Berg - Klaas Klaassen Van Den Berg. Family Record, 1988

Vanden Berg - Tuenis Vanden Berg. Happiness is No Place Like at Home, Richard Vanden Berg, 1988

Vanden Bosch - Marinus (Martin) Vanden Bosch. Family Information. (Taken from Otto G. Van Dyk)

Vanden Bosch - Molle - Tamme Vanden Bosch. Notes and Genealogy from the Van Dijck Vanden Bosch Bible; Article from Gens Nostra (2 February 2007) by Anje G. Bousema-Valkema with her translation of this article

Vanden Bout - Bertel Ymanse. - The Family History of Adrian Vanden Bout and Wilhelmina Boslooper, by Lenore Vanden Bout Brashler, 2006

Van den Broek - John Van den Broek. My Sad Past, by Rev. John Van den Broek, 1896

Vandenburg - Kate Vandenberg. My Dutch Heritage, by Jane Mary Doorn, 1988, 2 volumes, compiled by Franklin van Den Dool, et al.

Van der Aa - Leendert van der Aa. Family tree, compiled by Marie J. Haak, undated

Vander Ark - Hendrik Vander Ark. Vander Ark Family Biographies: Two Generations (1835-1961). Hendrik and Grietje, Their Twelve Children and Their Spouses, issued 1987

Vander Baan - John Vander Baan. La Fleur. Generations, by Brian Vander Baan, 1980

Vander Beek - See: Branderhorst, William: Branderhorst meets Vander Beek.

Van Der Beek - Teunis Van Der Beek. The Family of Tenuis and Hattie Van Der Beek, compiled by Wilbert and Elaine Van Dyk, 1996

Van der Boom - Dirck Van der Boom. - Familieboek van der Boom, by E. and J. H. van der Boom, [Dutch and English], 1994

Van der Bij(e) - Jan van der Bije. The van der Bij(e) Genealogy: Descendants of Jan van der Bije, by Virginia Voskuil Bouma, [2001]

Vander Eems - Djuure Vander Eems. The van der Eems Family, an excerpt from Blinder Hale, written by Gordon Kuipers, undated

Vander Heide - Jan Vander Heide. The Jan and Jantje Vander Heide Family. See also: Four Frisian Families, by Thomas Holwerda, 2008

Vander Hoeven - Gerald Vander Hoeven. Family story.

Van der Hoof - See: Van Riper: Van Riper-Van der Hoof

Van der Hoop - Beert Jans van der Hoop. Parenteel van Beert Jans van der Hoop, compiled by Willem Kappe, 2010

Van der Horn - See: de Waal Malefyt, Vol. I

Vander Hulst - Gerrit Jan Vander Hulst. Family information, see also Boerwinkle, Hendrick

VanderKooy - Arie VanderKooy. - Arie VanderKooy Journal, May 1951; translation by E. VanderKooy Roberts, K. VanderKooy VanderVeen, and C. Vanderkooy Vos, 1999

Van der Laan - Willem Van der Laan. Van der Laan Family Genealogy, undated

Van Der Leest - Rienk Vander Leest. Tryntje (Vander Weg) Vander Leest and Rienk Vander Leest [family story], Grand Rapids, Michigan; Oakland, Michigan, undated

Vander Leij - Jan Dirks Vander Leij. - Vander Leij/Vander Ley Family, undated

Vander Ley - See: Vander Leij

Vander Lugt - Maarten Vander Lugt. Story of Adrianna Jongste Van der Lugt Gabrielse Ten Harmsel, undated

Vandermay - Gerrit VanderMeij (Vandermay/Vander Mey/van der Meij). Family Group Sheet and other various personal items of Peter George Vandermay, 1997

Van Der Molen - Berend Van Der Molen. The Van Der Molen Family 1876 to 1976, New Holland, South Dakota

Vander Meulen - Dirk Vander Meulen. Family Group Record and Pedigree Chart

Van der Ploeg - Seids H. Vanderploeg and Renk H. Schekker. A Genealogical Record with Pictures of Frisians who became Americans, by Jan B. Vanderploeg, 1980

Vanderploeg - See: Ploeg/Vanderploeg Genealogy, 2007

Van Der Pol - Peter Van de Pol. On the Reservation Border: Hollanders in Douglas and Charles Mix Counties, by Henry Van Der Pol, Sr, 1969. See: [HERH F657 D7 V3]

Vanderpol - Evert Harmens. - Vanderpol Family Lines, 1670-1979 (I and II)

Van Der Schaaf - Wiebe (Willem) Vander Schaaf. Family tree of Wiebe Van der Schaaf, Manhatten, Montana, 1971

Vander Schaaf - See also: Miedema Family History

Van der Til(l) - Arend Van der Til(l). Family Record Group and other documents, researched and compiled by Arlene Brummel Rhoda, undated

Vander Till - Douwe VanderTill. News clipping, 1990

Vander Veen - Engbertus Vanderveen. Life History and Reminiscences of Engbertus Vanderveen of Holland, Michigan, undated

Vander Veen - Wobbe - Vander Veen. Family Genealogy and other information, researched and compiled by Arlene Brummel Rhoda, undated

Van Der Veen - See: Torringa: Een oud Ommelander geslacht [Dutch]

Van der Velde - Jogchum van der Velde and Tijtske Bandstra van der Velde [English and Dutch], Family information, undated

Vander Wagen - Andries Vander Wagen. - Prayer Warriors Andrew and Effa VanderWagen in Zuni, by Elaine Dodson Thomas, 1997

Vander Wagen - Andries Vander Wagen. - Shiwi Vander Wagens' Family Memories, by Elaine Dodson Thomas, 1997

Vander Wagen - Gribbert. - The Vander Wagen and Hofma Ancestry, by Elaine Dodson Thomas, 2002

Vander Wal - Sieds - Geerts (Gerrit) Vander Wal. The Vander Wal Family story undated

Vander Weele - Danker Vander Weele (1892-1981). The Family of Danker and Cora Vander Weele 45<sup>th</sup> Annual Family Reunion, compiled 2015

Vander Weele - Jacobus (James) Van der Weele. John (Jan) and Jennie Van Der Weele [family], by Steve J. Van Der Weele,1990

Vander Weele - Jacobus (James) Van der Weele. Vander Weele 2000, prepared by Ray Vander Weele, 2000

Vander Weele - Pieter van der Weele. Emigraties van Van der Weele's naar Noord-Amerika, by J. Elsing-van der Weele, 1991

Vander Weide - Jan (John) Dirks Vander Weide. History of the Vander Weide Family, Chicago Roseland, undated

Vander Weit - Gerrit Gerbens Vander Weit. Groeten Uit Amerika (8), Emigranten uit Dantumadeel en Dongeradeel, by Kor Postma, [2008]

Vander Wekken - Jan Cornelis Aartse. De Familie Van der Wekken [Dutch], by J. Huigens, 1986

Vander Werff - Jan Hendrik Vander Werff. - The Vander Werffs: Pioneers at Pella and Westward, by Dr. Lyle L. Vander Werff, 1973

Van der Werp - Johannes van der Werp. Family history [Dutch], undated

Vander Wilt - Leendert Van Der Wilt. The Family of Dirk and Barbara Vander Wilt, compiled by Wilbert and Elaine Van Dyk, 1996

Vander Woude - Jan and Tona (Gunst) Vander Woude. The Leaves of the Tree, by Linda Siebenga, undated

Van Der Woude - Konke Van Der Woude. The Van Der Woude/Vander Wood Families of Romke / Dokkum Netherlands, compiled by Judith (Wassenaar) Bouwman, undated

Vander Woude - Symen Jans. Pake en Beppe Een stukje Van der Woude geschiedenis van 1770 tot heden, by Joke Zandstra Van der Woude, Harderwijk, 1994

VanderZee - Sierd (Euwes) VanderZee. From Horses to Computers: Part of the VanderZee Story, by Chester and Betty VanderZee, 2000

VanderZee - Tjeerd VanderZee. - The Tjeerd VanderZee Family's Sojourn: Forbears and Descendants, 1995

Van der Zon - Folkert van der Zon. Famile(s) who leaved [left] Holland and are gone to America/Canada [Dutch and English], undated

Vander Zwaag - Hemke Foppes van der Zwaag. - Van der Zwaag Wouterswoude, Friesland, 1993

Van Deusen - John Van Deusen. The Genealogy of Rev. W. H. Van Deusen and Related Families, 1969

Van Dijck - Jacobus Willemsen van Dijck. - Descendants of Jacobus Willemsen van Dijk, 2004

Van Dijk - Broer Van Dijk and Aaltje Veenstra families

Van Dijk - Gerrit Jan Van Dijk. Gerrit Jan Van Dijk and Elizabeth Pasma Families Genealogy, [two folders], undated

Van Dijk - Klaas Van Dijk. Family information, undated

Van Dijk - Wijbe Van Dijk. Register Report [Wijbe and Grietje Van Dijk], 1994

Van Dongen - Van Dongen /Van de Riet. Family Information, 1977

Van Doornes - Jan Van Doorne and Agnietje van Maurik (circa 1725) The Van Doornes of Grand Haven, MI. Compiled and written by Gordon Tans, Sep 2020. Also available are digital scans [in Digital Scans in R:drive] of family letters [from Netherlands and US] between Tans family members. Only available in Dutch

Van Dort - Anthony Van Dort. (Taken from Otto G. Van Dyk genealogy)

Van Dragt - See: Gerrit Everts

Van Drunen - Bastian Van Drunen. Van Drunen Family Immigration, undated

Van Duyn - C. Van Duyn. Family history, Family Record Group, undated

Van Dyk - Gerit Jan Van Dyk and Jane Plasman. Family information, undated

Van Dyk - Otto Van Dyk and Rena Van Heuvelen. Family information, undated (Taken from Otto Van Dyk genealogy)

Van Dyke - Johannes Van Dyke. Family Tree of Johannes Van Dyke (John) and Neeltje Johanna Luijk (Nellie), 1984

Van Dyke - John Van Dyke. Story of John and Gertie (Griffioen) Van Dyke and Directory of Descendants, 2008

Van Dyke - William Van Dyke. G.R. Pioneers Celebrate 50<sup>th</sup> Wedding Anniversary, 1919

Van Eeuwen - See: Milkamp: History of the Milkamp, Millekamp, Middlecamp

Van Engen - Geert and Geertje Schoemakers Van Engen. Letter [Dutch], undated

Van Eyck - Henry Van Eyck. Henry Van Eyck Family, 1998

Van Gaalen - Nicolaas and Berendina Aleida Van Gaalen. Between Harvest, by Linda Siebenga, undated

Van Goor - Jan van Goor. - A Man Without Influence, by Harm Van Goor, translated by Harry Westendrop, undated

Van Haitsma - Johannes Van Haitsma. God's Deacon, An account of Johannes Van Haitsma and the Christian Reformed Church, written by Harry Hendrik Boer and Barbara Van Haitsma Boer, 2018

Van Haitsma - Peter Johannes and Katie (Vander Veen Van Haitsma). Genealogy of Peter Johannes Van Haitsma, by John Van Haitsma, 1959

Van Haitsma - Rinse Wopkes Haitsma and Aafke Cornelis. Van Haitsma, 1847-1997 [in the US], undated

Van Halsema - Antje Brundts Halsema. Van Halsema Genealogy, family genealogy materials, [1998, 2008, and undated], genealogy translated, 1998

Van Heutsz - Joannes Benedictus Van Heutsz. Van Heutsz family information [Dutch], 1983, 1987, 1991

Van Houten - Peter Van Houten. History of the Family of Peter and Rose (Oosterhouse) Van Houten, by Arthur Van Houten, prepared by Arthur Van Houten, 1947

Van Houten - Rebecca Van Houten Pedigree Chart, 2008

Van Keppel - Family Tree and Genealogy [Dutch], by undated

Van Koevering - Izaak Van Koevering. Van Koevering Family Register, Zeeland, Michigan, published in 1953

Van Kooten - Albert and Jacobje (De Ridder) Van Kooten. - Cobie, by Jacoba Van Kooten Kortenhoeven, 1992

Van Laan - John Van Laan. John and Emma (Taylor) Van Laan Family Tree, 1996

Van Laar - Hendrik Jan Van Laar. The Albertus Van Laar Family, by Peter Y. De Jong, 1977

Van Leente - See: Baarschers: Berend Lamberts

Van Leeuwen - Family and Heraldry the Van Leeuwen Family and their Feudal Estates, undated

Van Lente - Frederick Van Lente. Family Record Group. Also includes the family story, undated

Van Meersbergen - Aert van Meersbergen. Descendants of Aert Van Meersbergen, undated

Van Mourik - Dirk Anthony van Mourik. - A True History Out of the Betuwe, - by Aurelia (Relie) Koning-van Reenen, 2006

Van Noord - See: Gerrit Jan Sprik: John Van Noord

Van Nuis - Pieter Willem Van Nuis. Pedigree Chart, and other Information, undated

Van Ommen - The Descendants of Gerrit van Ommen (1676-?), by Richard H. Harms, 2014

Van Ooyen - Transplants, by Amy J. Van Ooyen, 1998. See: [HERH CS 71 .V376]

Van Otterloo - Nijnge Dimmens. - Family Chronicles: Adventures in Genealogy; and in Dutch-American Culture, Geography, History, and Faith, by Larry M. Van Otterloo, undated

Van Overen - See: Vandenberg: Looking Back, by Marilyn Bulgarella, undated

Van Popering - Marinus Van Popering. The Family of Wolfer Van Popering, 1986

Van Putten - See: Huisjen, David R.: Aalt VanPutten

Van Putten - Omge Geerts van Putten. Descendants of Omge Geerts van Putten and Aagtje Ewolts, undated

Van Raalte - Albert A. Van Raalte. Family Recordsand other family Information, undated

Van Raalte - Albertus C. Van Raalte. - See: Albertus and Christina: the Van Raalte Family, Home and Roots, by E. J. Bruins, K. Schakel, S F. Simmons, and M Zingle [HERH CS71.V2738 2004]

Van Reenen - Berendus Van Rheenen. - That They May Know: A History and Genealogy of the Van Reenen Family, by Jan Willem Van Reenen, [1976]

Van Rhee - Jan Gerhard Van Rhee. Descendants of Jan Gerhard Van Rhee, undated

Van Riper - Cornelius C. and Deborah Van der Hoof Van Riper. Ancestor Chart

Van Roekel - See: Mouw: The Descendents of the Brothers Cornelius and Jan Mouw and of John van Roekel and of John Korver.

Van Sligtenhorst - Gisbert Van Sligtenhorst. An Historical Look, by Brad Evans, 1986

Van Spijker - Harm E. van Spijker. Parenteel van Harm E V Spijker, compiled by Willem Kappe, 2010

Van Staalduinen - Jochem Pieters. Van Staalduinen: Een Westlands geslacht [Dutch], 1983

Van Stelle - Pieter Van Stelle. The Descendants of Pieter and Maria Van Stelle, 1981

Van Stempfoort - Abraham Van Stempvoort. Summary on Van Stempvoort, undated

Van Stempvoort - Johannes Van Stempvoort. - Grandmother Remembers, by Cora Laarman, 1991

Van't Hof - Marijnus and Johanna Visser Van't Hof. Family information [Dutch and English], 1986

Van't Hof - Mari(j)nus Van't Hof. My Family, by Joanie Van't Hof, 1980

Van Til - Cornelis Aylkes Van Til. We Van Tils Have Come a Long Way, by Kathy VanTil, 1980

Van Til - Henry R. and Elizabeth Zandstra Van Til. Family information.

Van Tongeren - Peter Goossens Van Tongeren. Geslacht van Tongeren [Dutch and English]; The Separatists Movement; Emigration to the United States; and other family information, undated

Van Tongeren - Pieter C. Van Tongeren. Family Record Group and various family information, 1993

Van Tuinen - Jakob Gerbens van Tuinen. Van Tuinen Genealogy, compiled by Gladys Mys Van Tuinen, 2009

Van Vierson - See: Vierson

Van Vliet - Wijtze Van Vliet [Dutch], [19]91

Van Voorhees - Steven Coerts. Through a Dutch Door: 17<sup>th</sup> Century Origins of the Van Voorhees Family, published by the Van Voorhees Association, 1992

Van Weerden - See: Woltman: Woltman-Winter Family: 150 Years in America

Van Wezel - Cornelius van Wezel. Correspondence and family information [Dutch], 1987

Van Wyk - Seger Van Wijk. A Dutch Romance: An American Dream: The True Story of Jan van Wijk and Neeltje van't Sant 1887 - 1937, Their Ancestors and Their Descendants, by Millie Van Wyke, 1995

Van Wyk - Jannes Van Wyk (1789-1872). Van Wyk Ancestry

Van Wyk - Seger Van Wijk. VanWyk Ancestral Line, 1350 - 1991, compiled by Freda R. Vande Wall, 1992

Van Zandt - John van Zandt. Garret Schieven. - Van Zandt/Schieven Family Tree, compiled by James P. Perkins, undated

Van Zee - Antonie Van Zee. Family Record of Gerrit Van Zee and Heiltje Van Zante, 1970

Van Zile - Abraham Van Zile. Ancestral Chart, prepared by Shirley Doner Coleman, 1985

Van Zoeren - Gerrit Jakobs Van Zoeren. The Van Zoeren and Albers Families, undated

Van Zoeren - Gerrit Jakob Van Zoeren. The Van Zoeren Family History [two folders], undated

Van Zomeren - Wouter Janse Van Someren. - Van Zomeren Family Book, Genealogy of the Family of Wal VanZomeren and Jantje DeJongh, compiled by Beulah Bloem Bandstra, Aletta Beerends, and Bonnie Van Zomeren Bailey, 1994

Van Zwaluwenburg - Reijer van Zwaluwenburg. Pelgrimvader van het Midden-westen (Dutch), Undated

Veen - Cornelius Veen (1808-1884) and Roefina Meyering (1817-1860) family, genealogy

Veenstra - Genealogy Surnames from Carl W. Veenstra Database, 2007

Veenstra - Jan Jans. Descendants of Jan Jans, by Carl Veenstra, 2007

Veenstra - Jelle Jans Veenstra. Family information, undated

Vegter - William Vegter. William and Tryntje Vegter [family], by Tracy Van Hofwegen, 1982

Veijer - Klaas Jans Veijer. Parenteel van Klaas Jans Veijer, compiled by Willem Kappe, 2010

Veijer - Egbert Klaas-Redder, ca 1750, Jan Hendriks Grieten [Veijer], ca 1742. Veijer- Redder Family,

Veldheer - Jan Hendriksz (Veldheer). A Veldheer Genealogy, Ottawa County, MI, by Joel David Veldheer, 1981

Veldheer - Jan Veldheer. Family information (Dutch), undated

Veldheer - Jan Hendriks Veldheer. Parenteel van Jan Hendriks Veldheer, compiled by Willem Kappe, 2010

Veldman - Eppe Peters Veldman. Family information (Dutch), Hellum, Netherlands, undated

Venema - Hermannus Coenradus Pieter Venema. The Story of a Dutchman's Immigration to Canada, by Linda Venema, 1986

Venhuis - Douwe Venhuis. Family information, compiled by Petronella Venhuis, 1992

Venhuizen - NN Venhuizen. Descendants of NN Venhuizen and Surnames for Venhuizen Genealogy, compiled by Carl Veenstra, 2007

Verbrugge - Jacobus Verbrugge. Brieven uit het Verleden (Letters from the Past). See: [HERH CT274 .V47 B75 1981], compiled by Frank Verbrugge, also family information, compiled by Cora Roelofs Verbrugge

Verbrugge - Whither Thou Goest: The Life Story of Jacobus and Maria Verbrugge in Minnesota, by Frank Verbrugge, 1979. See: [HERH CS 71 .V843 1979]

Verburg - Lambertus Verburg. The Verburg Family, by Rimmer DeVries, 2013; Maar waarlijk, zou God op de aarde wonen? by Dr. Maarten J. Aalders, 2013

Verduijn - Heijndrick Verduijn. Family tree, undated

Verduijn - Wouter Verduijn. Sojourners, a Family Chronicle, by Arie Verduijn, 1981

Verduin - Pieter Verduin. - Newspaper article: Divided Family of Long Ago Gather, by Myron Kukla, 2005

Verhage - Derk Verhage. [Bastian Verhage family (Kansas)] Family Group, undated

Verhage - See: Ulberg/Verhage Genealogy

Verhorst - Arie Albertus Verhorst. Family information, undated

Vermeer - Brant Vermeer. Vermeer History from 1856 to 1963, Utrecht, Pella, Iowa

Vermeer - See: Geels Genealogy

Vermerris - Cornelis Vermerris. Family information, undated

Verolme - David Wolfaertsz. The Verolme Family, undated

Verwolf - John Verwolf. The John Verwolf Family, compiled by William Verwolf, 1982

Verwolf - John Verwolf. Family Tree of John Verwolf, by Mike Schuurmans [two folders], undated

Veurink - Gerrit Henry Veurink. Family Tree, 1862-1935

Viersen - Dirk Viersen. Viersen/Vierzen/Vierson Descendants, by Richard H. Harms, 2014

Viersen - Dirk Viersen. Newspaper article: Hoe twee Driesumer gezinnen in het Amerikaanse Pella Kwamen [Dutch], 1989

Viersen - Heerke Ypes Viersen. Groeten Uit Amerika (3), Emigranten uit Dantumadeel en Dongeradeel, by Kor Postma, 2008

Viersen - Pieter Oebeles Viersen. Groeten Uit Amerika (1), Emigranten uit Dantumadeel en Dongeradeel, by Kor Postma, 2008

Viersen - Dirk Van Viersen. Descendants of Dirk Van Viersen, prepared by Richard H. Harms, 2017

Vis(s) - Simon Vis. History of the Family of Simon Viss Sr, 1966

Visscher - Jacob Hendriks Visscher. Parenteel van Jacob Hendriks Visscher, compiled by Willem Kappe, 2010

Visscher - Jan Visscher. The Jan Visscher Family [Visscher Family Genealogy]

Visscher - Jan Visscher. The Visschers: 127 Years in Michigan, by John Visher, III, 1974

Visser - Poulus Hendriks (Visscher). - Genealogy of the Descendants of Willem Poulus Visser and Trijntje Jacobs, 2005 [Makkum, Netherlands]

Visser - See: Pieterson. Peterson Family History. The Geneology of Berent Jacobs [Pieterson], 2016 update.

Vlasma - See: Wijbenga Genealogy: Klaas Vlasma, Newstra, Michigan

Vleeschouwer - See: Fletcher: Four generation ancestor chart compiled by Ralph Henry Fletcher

Vliek - Lubbert Wijn Vliek. The New World Descendants and Old World Ancestors of Lubbert Vliek, compiled by Donna Drost Anema, [1994]

Voetberg - Wiebe and Chrisje Voetberg. Childhood Memories of Montana Homesteading from 1912 [1911] - 1919, by Minnie Voetberg Brink, 1984 [Published in Origins, No. 1, 2014]

Vogel - Arie Vogel. Family information, 1988

Vogel - John Vogel. Diary of John Vogel (1839-1907)

Vogelzang - Willem Vogelzang. Two Worlds of Mercy, by John Vogelzang, Salt Lake City, Utah, 1957

Volbeda - See: Sijmens: Claas Sijmens Genealogy

Vollink - Gerrit Vollink. Family Group and other information

Vonck - Harm Vonk. See: Haan: Kornelia Hendriks Haan, Her Ancestors and Descendants, 1829-1913,

Von Weiler - Willem Karel Von Weiler. Family information, 1979

Voogsgeerd - Hendrik and Janneken Voogsgeerd [Dutch and English]. Correspondence, 1992

Vos - Dan R. Vos. Personal, Family, and Business Autobiography of Dan R. Vos, 2003

Vos - Jan Vos. Family information [Dutch and English], compiled by Donna Kuiper, Muskegon, MI, 1992

Vos - John Harm Vos. Family information, 1833-1904

Vos - Peter Gerrit Vos. Family information [Dutch and English], undated

Vos - Pieter Vos. Family Record of Kryn [and Rika] Vos, compiled by Leona Vande Voort and Dorothy Vos, 2000

Vos - Reyntje Jacobs Vos. Fragment-genealogie Reyntje Jacobs Vos nader in beeld [Dutch], and Vervolg "diary" van Derk Johannes Vos, 1992

Vos - Willem Vos. A Genealogy of the Dirk and Jennis Vos Family, compiled by Marion Vos, 1992

Vos - Ysbrandt (Bernard) Vos (Voss). Family genealogy information, researched and compiled by Arlene Brummel Rhoda, undated

Vos - See: Voss

Voskuil - Klaas Voskuil. The Voskuil Genealogy; The Rock From Which We Are Hewn; The Story of the Phoenix Ship Disaster, by Virginia Voskuil Bouma, [2010]

Voss - Roelof Voss. - Voss Family Group Register and Directory: Roelof and Zwaantje Vos, 1940

Vredeveld - Barteld Roelofs [Vredeveld] and Albertje Geerts. The Vredeveld Family, compiled by M. Mullinax, [1993]

Vredevoogd - Jan Jakobs Vredevoogd and Jantje Hendriks Rogge. Family Genealogy, researched and compiled by Arlene Brummel Rhoda, undated

Vriend - Jan Nicolaas Vriend (Roo Jan). History of the Vriends: Het Geslacht Vriend, 1975

Vrieze - Lambert Vrieze. Vrieze Family Reunion, undated

Vroegindewey - Klaas and Geertje Vroegindewey. Correspondence, 1987

Wagenaar - Cornelius G. Wagenaar. The Cornelis G. Wagenaar Family Record, 1700-1977

Wagenaar - Marcus Lambertus Wagenaar. Family information, undated. (Otto G. Van Dyk genealogy)

Walcott(e) - Albert Walcott(e). Family information, 1902

Walcott - Jan Hindrik Walkotten. Walcott Genealogy, Descendants of Jan Hindrik Walkotten, 1990

Walcotte - Hendrik Jan Walcotte. Parenteel van Hendrik Jan Walcotte, compiled by Willem Kappe, 2010

Walcotte(n) - See: Walcott and Walkotten

Walhof - Johann Walhof. As for Me and My House: My Memories of the Peter and Ella Walhof Family, by Elmer T. Walhof, 2003.

Walhout - Tobias Walhout. - The Walhout Family History, compiled by M. T. Boonstra, 1987

Walhout - Jan Walhout. My Father's Family, by Peter Walhout, 1973

Walkotte(n) - Gort (Gerrit) Walkotten. Genealogy of the Walkotten Family, undated

Walma - V. Tead Pyters Walma. - The Walma Family Tree, undated

Walvoord - Gerrit Jan Walvoord. - Walvoord-Walvoort - Family News Bulletin, 1987. See also: Windmill Memories [HERH F587.S5 W3]

Walvoort - See: Walvoord

Wanrooy - Wolter Adriaan Wanrooy and Tanna Wilhelmina Was. Family genealogy (Dutch), undated

Warner - Ekke Jans Warners. Sjabbe Rembts Zeerijp. Genealogy of the Warner (Warners) and Zeerip (Zeerijp) Families, compiled by Lloyd Lemmen, 1978

Was - Johannes Was. The Was Family and Genus Was [Dutch and English], 1972

Wassenaar - Jan Sybrens Wassenaar. The Wassenaar Families Family Group [Record], compiled by Judith Ann (nee Wassenaar) Bouwman, undated

Wassenaar - Klaas Wassenaar. Pake Frank Wassenaar. My Life's Story, 1903-1997?,written by Frank (Fokke) Wassenaar, 1997

Wassink - See: Klein Wassink: Stamboom van de familie Klein Wassink [Dutch]

Waterway - Marten Waterway. Marten & Margje (Westhuis) Waterway Family [genealogy], undated

Watterson - See: Antvelink: Family Trees, by Elaine Antvelink-Watterson

Weeber - Johannes Weeber. Weeber family information. See also: Four Frisian Families, by Thomas Holwerda

Weersing - Jan Weersing. Harm Jansen. Genealogy of the Weersing Family and Janssen Family of East Holland, Michigan, by Lloyd J. Lemmen, 1977

Weesies I - Edze Weesies. The Weesies Family 1714-1890-1979: The Family of Edward and Elizabeth Weesies, 1979

Weesies II - F. Jans - Weessies. - Genealogie by Jozua Weessies-Weesjes, compiled 1996

Wensink - Derk Wensink. Wensink Genealogy - Descendants of Derk Wensink, undated

Werkhof - See: Pieterson. Peterson Family History. The Geneology of Berent Jacobs [Pieterson], 2016 update.

Werkman - Jan Werkman. History of Werkman Family, 1962, written by Mrs. Nick Vander Kooi and Mrs. D. Werkman, 1962

Werkman - Reinder Edward Werkman. Reinder Edward Werkman, biography by Donald Van Reken, 1997

Wesselink - Geert Wesselink. Parenteel van Geert Wesselink (Geert Wesseling), compiled by Willem Kappe, 2010

Westdorp - Abraham Westdorp. Correspondence and photos of Abraham Westdorp and Oosse family, undated

Westdorp - Mattheus Cornelisse Westdorp. Westdorp Genealogy, compiled by Gladys Mys Van Tuinen, 2009

Westing - Tiddes Feckes [Westing]. Andries Jacobsz Steketee. Albertus Mantingh. Genealogy of the Westing and Steketee and Manting (Mantingh) Families of Holland, compiled by Lloyd Lemmen; John van Lente, 1978

Westmaas - Adam Westmaas. - Presenting Adam and Johanna Westmaas and Their Descendants, 1995

Westerhof - Engbertus B. M. Westerhof and Hendertje Lubbers. Family information and diary of Engbertus from Apr 1868 - Nov 1891

Westra - See: Torringa: Een oud Ommelander Geslacht

Westra - See: J.D. Minnema Genealogy

Westra - See: Miedema Family History

Westra - Douwe and Jantje Westra. Personal letters written by Douwe and Jantje Westra and their sons Dewey, William, and Jasper and daughter Ren. Dated 1919-1944. Translated and edited by Rena D. Westra 1980.

Westra - Johannes Hendriks Westra. Our Heritage and Family Tree, 1979 and 1983. See also (Manuscript, vert. file): Westra, Rena D. "For the scenario of life there is no script"

Westveer - Peter Westveer. Descendants of Peter Westveer, undated

Westveer - William Peter Westveer. The Westveer Family Tree

Wezeman - Klaas Wezeman. Family information

Wieland - Josias Wieland. Bud Wieland's Pedigree Chart, 1993

Wieman - William Wieman [Wisman]. Family Group Information

Wierenga - Claas Harmens [Wierenga]. Branches - The Dutch Connection - The Wierenga and Olthof Families, undated

Wierenga - Eilke Jans [Wierenga].- Narratives of Family History: Hendrik Wierenga, Jacob Wierenga, Bert Wierenga, Theron Wierenga, Luitje Buikema, Trientje (Buikema) Wierenga, Pieter Korhorn (Peter Kolean), John Kolean, Johannes Arnesman, Johanna Arnesman Kolean, by Theron Wierenga, 2005

Wierenga - Hindrik Sierts Wierenga. Het Voor- en Nageslacht van Hindrik Sierts Wierenga en Grietje Alberts 1650-1989, [Dutch], written by Arie Brouwer, Henny Mulderij-Wierenga, Siert Wieringa, 1989

Wierenga - Op Zoek naar Wierenga's in Neerlandia [Dutch], 1993

Wiersma - Jacob Wiersma. Jacob Wiersma and Eke Reitsma Family Tree, 2009

Wietsema - See: Hyma, Rintje: Grietje Wietsema

Wigboldus - Hommo Poppes. Genealogie van het Geslacht Wigboldus, 1545-1957 [Dutch] [two folders], by Dr. H. Mulder and Hermy G. Mulder, 1957

WijbengaSybrandus Aukes Wijbenga. The Jan Jans Wijbenga - Willemke Klazes Vlasma Genealogy, undated

Wildschut - Age Lourens Wildschut. Return to Roots, 1996, also family information

Wilkens - See: Pieterson. Peterson Family History. The Geneology of Berent Jacobs [Pieterson], 2016 update.

Wilkey - See: Harms: Christopher Jacob and Kate Elizabeth

Wilky - Wilky, Wilkie, Wilkey Descendants, prepared by Richard Harms, updated 2017

Wilmink - Gerrit Wilmink. Family information [Dutch], undated

Windhouwer - Jan Jansen Windhouwer. Family tree

Winkels - Jan Jans Winkels. Parenteel van Jan Jans Winkels, compiled by Willem Kappe, 2010

Winter - See: Woltman: Woltman-Winter Family: 150 Years in America

Winters - Jan Winters. Parenteel van Jan Winters, compiled by Willem Kappe, 2010

Witkop - Fredrik "Jacob" Witkop. The Witkop/Witcop Family, by Scott S. Harris, undated

Witt - Louris Wit. The Years Roll On, 1929 - 1983, by Cornelius and Jeannette Witt, 1985; Memories of My Youth, by Jeannette Schoolland Witt; The Cornelius Witt Family Tree, 1750 - 1980; and We Were There to Serve, by Steve Vander Ark, 1989

Witteveen - Marten and Heintje Witteveen. Marten Witteveen Family Tree, undated

Witteveen - Oscar and Maggie (Jager) Witteveen. Oscar Witteveen Family Tree, by Maury Witteveen, 1979, plus later additions

Wolfert - Jakob Wolfert. Wolfert Families, 1815-1879 [in] the Netherlands, 1879-199 [in] America, by Barbara Van Bronkhorst, 1994

Wolters - Evert Wolters and Janna Tibbe. From Age to Age, A Wolters Genealogy. Prepared by Howard Slenk (great grandson), published 2017

Woltman - Jan Woltman. Jurrien Winter. Reena Van Weerden. Woltman-Winter Family: 150 Years in America, 1998 by Helena V. Winter and Sara F. Simmons, the Families of Jan Harm, Woltman Jurrien, Peter Winter and Reena Aires Van Weerden, 1998

Wondergem - Jan van Wondergem [ca 1555]. Family History van Wondergem; Pedigree Charts [back to 1743 with Hendrik Willemson Wondergem] and Family Record Group [Marcus W. Wondergem, born 1839] and correspondence, compiled by Marsha Greenwood, 1983, folder 1

Wondergem - Jan van Wondergem [ca 1555]. Correspondence with updates from Marsha Greenwood; Ancestor Charts; Family History van Wondergem; Family History Groups [from Marcus W. Wondergem, 1839], folder 2

Wondergem - Marinus Marinusson van Wondergem. Netherlands, Sheboygan, Wisconsin, and Marinus Wondergem, by Jonathon Befus, 1986

Workman - Lieuwe Teake Werkman. Looking Back: Workman-Werkman: 100 Years in America, 1893-1993

Wouters - See Rijsdorp: Stamboom van het Geslacht "Rijsdorp" [Dutch and English]

Woutersen - See Antvelink: Family trees, by Elaine Antvelink-Watterson

Wynalda - Maaike Robijns deJong. Genealogy Wijnalda-family in Iowa, undated

Wyngaarden - Jan Dauwe Wyngarrden. The Wyngaarden Story, by Herman J. Wyngarden, 1984

Yntema - Hessel Douwes Yntema. The Family of Hessel O. Yntema, Frisian Immigrant to Michigan, 1847, by Mary E. Yntema and Clara E. Yntema, 1958

Ypma - Ypke Annes. The History and Genealogy of Rev. Marten Annes Ypma, 1810-1863

Yskamp - See: de Waal Malefyt, Vol. 2

Zandstra - Bartel Hans Zandstra. The B. H. Zandstra Family Tree, 1984

Zandstra - Margaret Brunger Swagman Zandstra. The Life: Marge Zandstra, by Eric Boer, undated

Zandstra - Oeds Melles Zandstra. Family information (Dutch), undated

Zandstra - Trynje (de Ruiter) Zandstra. A Promise to Grandmother and family outline, Nick Huizenga, 2010

Zeerijp - Sjabbe Rembts Zeerijp. The Zeerip Family in the Netherlands, undated

Zeerip - See: Warner(s): Genealogy of the Warner (Warners) and Zeerip (Zeerijp) Families, 1978

Zeldenrust - Wibe Willems. Zeldenrust [Dutch and English], undated

Zielenga - See: Sandifort Families

Zijlman - Klaas and Trijntje Wolfis Zijlman. Correspondence and photo, 1991

Zijlstra - See: Binnema

Zuidema - Olchert Onnes Zuidema. A Century Away from Home: The Family of Will and Kate Zuidema, by Larry Zuidema, 1991

Zuidema - Willem Cornelis Zuidema. Van Turfvaart tot Binnenvaart: de Genealogie van de Familie Zuidema (Friesian), 1776-

Zuidema - See: Pieterson. Peterson Family History. The Geneology of Berent Jacobs [Pieterson], 2016 update.

Zwagerman - Pieter Zwagerman. Dirk Zwagerman History, and History of Dirk Zwagerman Before He Emigrated, undated

Zwemer - Christiaan Zwemer. Genealogy and History of the Zwemer-Boon Family, recorded by Adrian Zwemer, 1932

Zwiers - John Egbert Zwiers. Family tree of Jan Egbert Zwiers and Grietje Vrieling

Zylstra - Gerrit Zylstra. Cousins and the Study of a Heritage: Zylstra Buist Kuzee 75th Anniversary Reunion, 1919-1994

Zylstra - Gerrit Zylstra. Unlikely Instruments - A History of the Albert and Luwena Hartigh Zylstra Family, by Paul Zylstra, 1995

Zylstra - Ime Zylstra. Our Legacy, Irv and Joan Zylstra, His Amazaing Grace: His Amazing Love, by Irv Zylstra, 2007

Zylstra - Jelle Zylstra. - Historical Points of Douwe Jelles Zylstra, 1859-1943, 1994

Zylstra - Jelle Zylstra. Stones That Speak, by Jacob Binnema, 1990