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Index to Anniversary, Birthday, Wedding, and Obituary Announcements from The Banner 1945-2016

This index includes approximately 190,000 anniversary, birthday, wedding, and obituary announcements published in The Banner, the official publication of the Christian Reformed Church in North America, for a ten year period. If the spouse was named in a notice, entries were made for both names. When the notices contained the data, women were listed under maiden names with names of spouse (or married names) added.

Each entry contains the name of the person and their place of residence on the first line, spouse or married name on the second line, type of notice and citation on the third line, and data beginning on the fourth line. Names were keyed in as published, with or without spaces, so that "DeVries" is in a different part of the list than "De Vries."

An effort was made to combine entries for the same person. Announcements prior to 2000 from both The Banner (back to 1867) and De Wachter (1867-1985) are available in hard copy card file in the Archives at Calvin College; these hard copies are not directly available via internet. Hard copy of all issues of The Banner is available in the Hekman Library, in the Archives, and other locations. Contact the Archives if you have questions

Those who keyed in the data:

1945-1954 (46,000 entries): Helen Meulink, Jeannette Smith, and Holly M. Waldenmeyer.

1955-1964 (50,000 entries): Helen Meulink, Jeannette Smith, Ralph Veenstra, and Holly M. Waldenmeyer.

1965-1974 (33,000 entries): Helen Meulink, Willene DeGroot, Jeannette Smith, and Ralph Veenstra

1975-1984 (40,000 entries): Helen Meulink, Willene DeGroot, Jeannette Smith, Ralph Veenstra, and Anna Kathyrn Feltes.

1985-1995 (33,000 entries): Helen Meulink, Willene DeGroot, and Ralph Veenstra

1996-2005 (12,000 entries): Helen Meulink, Willene DeGroot, Ed Gerritsen, Kay Bykerk, Kristi DenBleyker, Nateisha DeCruz, Heather Guichelaar, and Susan Potter

2006-2016 (7,700 entries) Heather Guichelaar, Renee LaCoss, Cyndi Feenstra, Dana Verhulst, Chrissy Lutke, Melanie Vander Wall, Laurie Haan, and Holly M. Waldenmeyer.

Richard H. Harms
Holly M. Waldenmeyer
database managers
© 2017

The PDF lists of names are:

1945-1954 A-Hel

1945-1954 Hem-Schn

1945-1954 Scho-Z

1955-1964 A-Hel

1955-1964 Hem-Sce

1955-1964 Sch-Z

1965-1974 A-L

1965-1974 M-Z

1975-1984 A-L

1975-1984 M-Z

1985-1995 A-L

1985-1995 M-Z

