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  • Tags: Goods

A shop filled to the brim with holiday goods like decorated china.

A postcard with a black and white photograph of a building labeled Enoch Hassenbroek

A postcard with a black and white photograph of a man standing in front of a car filled with various things with a message on the back

A postcard with a black and white photograph of a man standing in front of a car labeled J+H De Jongh with a message on the back of the card

Tags: , , , , ,

A postcard with a black and white photograph of the store front of the J+H De Jongh general goods store with a short message on the back

A postcard with a black and white image of Varnum's Drug Store in Jonesvill, MI

A postcard with a black and white photograph of Pearson's dry goods store with a message on the back
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