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Today's Hours

Hekman Library 8am – 8pm
Heritage Hall 9am – 4:30pm
Meeter Center 8am – 5pm
Research Assistance 10am – 4pm

High School Users

Area high school students are welcome to visit and use the library resources on their own or as part of a class visit. Please review the sections on obtaining a Guest User card and guest access to computers and printing. High school students do not pay a fee to check out books. 

Visit the Library

Teachers interested in arranging a class group visit should contact Kathy DeMey or Sarah Kolk. For class visits:

  • Remember that a portion of the library's computers are available only to members of the Calvin community (require logins). There are public access computers on every floor but likely not enough for an entire class' use.
  • While we are happy to provide tours to middle school students, the use of our library for research purposes is most appropriate for high school students and older.
  • Two weeks’ advance notice is requested if a librarian's assistance is required (e.g., an introduction to the research tools available at Hekman Library). If no assistance will be needed, one week's notice is sufficient. We ask that class visits not be scheduled during the month before exams, (if at all possible), when the library is heavily used by Calvin students.
  • If your students are working on a class assignment, it is helpful if you send a copy of the assignment so our librarians can prepare.
  • A teacher should accompany students on any class visit. Two teachers are requested for groups larger than 25 students.
  • If teachers want to meet with students informally in small groups or one-on-one, no permission or advance notice is necessary.