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David Malone


Liaison to Engineering, Computer Science, and Historical Studies.

More About David

  • Moody Bible Institute, BA
  • Wheaton College, MA
  • Northern Illinois University, MSEd
  • University of Illinois, MS
Academic Interests
  • Technology, particularly in the library context
  • Library user behavior and experiences
  • Nineteenth century American Protestantism
Selected Publications

Miller, B. J. and Malone, D. B. “Race, Town, and Gown: a White Christian college and a White suburb address race.” Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society 112.3 (Fall 2019): 293-316. Available online:

Malone, D.B. "Passing Generations: struggles for equality at an abolitionist school." Wheaton magazine 21.2 (Spring 2018). Available online:

“The Wheaton context” in Wrestle on, Jacob (Jill Peláez Baumgaertner, ed.) Wheaton, IL: Wheaton College, 2017. Exhibition catalog.

"William Edward Biederwolf," "Washington Gladden," "Eric Jansson," "Clarence Wesley Jones," "Mason Lowell," "Lucretia Mott," "William LeRoy Pettingill," "Henry Wellington Stough," "Herbert John Taylor," "Cyrus Reed Teed," and "Walter Wangerin" in Encyclopedia of Christianity in the United States (George Kurian & Mark Lamport, eds.) New York: Rowman & Littlefield, 2016.

"The Christian academic librarian in the technological society," The Christian Librarian 59.1 (2016): 48-60. Available online:

"'Raising an Ebenezer': archives as a religious means of remembering." Journal of Theological Librarianship 8, no. 1 (March 2015). Available online:

Huttenlock, T. L. and Malone, D. B. "Proving Value and Improving Practice: Using System Data to Analyze User Behaviors." College & Undergraduate Libraries 20, no. 3/4 (July 2013). Available online:

"Jacques Ellul" in Encyclopedia of Christian Civilization (George Kurian, ed.). Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishing, 2011.

Pugh, D., Malone, D., McCarthy, M. and S. Rishworth. "How Chicago archivists leverage special interests." Archival Outlook, July/August 2010.

"Harry Emerson Fosdick," "Elbert Gary," and "Harold "Red" Grange," in The Encyclopedia of the Jazz Age: from the end of World War I to the Great Crash (James Ciment, ed.). Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe, 2008.

"American Tract Society," "Jonathan Blanchard," "Zebina Eastman," "Owen Lovejoy," "David Nelson," and "John Newton," in The Encyclopedia of Emancipation and Abolition in the Transatlantic World (Junius P. Rodriquez, ed.). Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe, 2007.