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Art & Art History (General)

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Afterimagewebcat paw

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American Journal of Nursingwebcat paw

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Annals of Botanywebcat paw

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Annual Review of Ecology and Systematicswebcat paw

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Annual Review of Physical Chemistrywebcat paw

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Aperturewebcat paw

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Art & Architecture Source (EBSCO)

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Art & Architecture Thesaurus (AAT)

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Art History Resources on the Web

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Artcyclopedia: the Fine Arts Search Engine

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ArtLex: Dictionary of Visual Art

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ArtNews Online

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Arts & Humanities Citation Index

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Asian Music

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Atlas of World Artwebcat paw

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Behavior Geneticswebcat paw

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Biochemical Geneticswebcat paw

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Biotechnology Letterswebcat paw

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Biotechnology Progresswebcat paw

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British Journal of Music Educationwebcat paw

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Bryn Mawr Classical Review

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Buiness Ethics: A European Review

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Business & Professional Ethics Journalwebcat paw

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Business Ethics Quarterlywebcat paw

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Business Weekwebcat paw

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Cellwebcat paw

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Columbia Journalism Review

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Cytotechnologywebcat paw

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De Moanne

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Development in Practice

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Dictionary of Artwebcat paw

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Directory of History Journals

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Dutch Newspapers (Nederlandse kranten)

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Dutch Weekly News and Opinion Magazines

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Ecological Applicationswebcat paw

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