Arts & Humanities Citation Index, available via Web of Science, provides access to bibliographic and citation information from the world's leading arts and humanities journals.It covers a broad array of topics in the humanities from 1975 to the present.
A bibliography is a collection of works about a person or subject. These are essential research tools and should always be sought because someone has already done the legwork of gathering together in one place important resources on a person or subject. It begins in 1450 and ends in 1974 and collects in all languages.
A very complete bibliography of skeptical thought. The bibliography ends in 1998, for recent developments in the field use the Research Databases listed below.
"My aim here has been to provide a convenient list of resources for those working in contemporary analytic epistemology. I have focused primarily on gathering links to professional papers available online." [from website]
Historical Abstracts is the definitive index of literature covering world history (excluding the United States and Canada) from the 15th century to the present. Indexing thousands of journals in over 40 languages, it is an invaluable bibliographic database for history students. Topics include military history, women’s history, history of education, and much more.
"The University of Minnesota Human Rights Library houses one of the largest collections of more than twenty-five thousand core human rights documents, including several hundred human rights treaties and other primary international human rights instruments."
The aim of The Husserl Page is twofold. First, this site provides a series of originally created bibliographic and informational pages relevant for research into Husserl's philosophy and development thereof. Second, this site supplies an exhaustive listing of (external) internet sites relevant for research into the life and philosophy of Edmund Husserl. [from website]
A major UK web portal for the finest Arts and Humanities web resources for education and research. More than 18,000 sites have been selected and evaluated by a network of subject specialists and made available through an intuitive search interface.
JSTOR is a database consisting of full-text articles from scholarly, peer-reviewed journals from nearly every discipline taught at Calvin. Coverage for each journal begins with the first volume, with coverage ending for most titles three and five years ago. A growing number of journals now have coverage up to the present!
PhilPapers is a unique scholarly resource which includes: a comprehensive index of the research literature in philosophy, an open access archive of this research, a structured bibliography of the field, and an online community of philosophers.
"The bibliography is divided into ten sections, roughly covering all publications on Reformed epistemology and relevant to the Reformed epistemology movement which have been published roughly between 1979-1999." [from website] For recent developments in this area, locate material written by these authors in WebCat or in the Research Databases identified below.
The SEP is a major scholarly resource for the study of philosophy. It is not as complete as the Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy, but it is available online and the information is reliable.
Of the four hundred thinkers discussed in this work, nearly a quarter are philosophers. Each entry includes the person's works and a select bibliography of works about the author.
Extensive five volume work containing critical summary essays of major philosophical works, critiques by modern scholars, and extensive bibliographies for further study.
WorldCat (Public) is a global network of library content. This WorldCat site provides some services and functionality not offered on the other WorldCat site, but the content is identical. WorldCat is ideal for locating research sources not owned by Calvin so that the sources can be acquired through InterLibrary Loan.